Shahid Beheshti University

Department of Physics

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A course on selected topics

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Advanced course on Selected Topics on Computational Physics and Optimization and Stochastic Fields (Winter-Spring 2024)

The virtual attending every week at Thursday (14:00-16:00) via

My Lectures

Course 1 (Download)

Course 2 (Download) & (Datatypes.pdf)

Course 3 (Download)

Course 4 (Download)   Video (14030109), Video (14030116)

Course 5 (Download), Video (140301)

Course 6 (Download), (Download), (Download) Video (14030130)

Also see

(stochastic991212), (stochastic991217), (stochastic991219), (stochastic991224), (stochastic991226), (level CS),  (Level Laser) and (Peak Planck), (stochastic000122), (stochastic000124), (stochastic000129), (stochastic000131)

Course 7 (Download), Video (14030206)

Course 8 (Download), Video (14030213)
Course 9 (Download), Video (14030226)
Also see

Large scale Galaxy Bias (Link)

Bias Factor in anisotropic stochastic fields (Link)

On the spatial correlations of Abell Clusters (Link)

A paper by Murad S. Taqqu  for mathematics of fields (Link)


Course 10 (Download), Video (14030310)
Also see

Bayesian Model Averaging (Download)

Numerical Algorithm for Data modeling (Download)

Canonical HMC part A (Download)

Micro-canonical HMC part B (Download)

Course 11 (Download), Video (14030317)

Course 12 part A (Download) and part B (Download), Video (14030324)
Course 13 part A (Download) and part B (Download), Video (14030331)
Course 14 part (Download), Video (14030407)
  • A good movie presented by Pooyan Goodarzi to connect the server, remotely (Link)
  • A good link for shell script programming (Link)
  • Some of my bash samples (Download)
  • A sample for Linux commands skills (Download)
  • A good link for programming tutorials  (Link)
  • A good presentation by Kip R. Irvine for number representation (Download)
  • Hartmann, Alexander K., and Heiko Rieger. Optimization algorithms in physics. Vol. 2. Berlin: Wiley-Vch, 2002.

  • Hartmann, Alexander K., and Heiko Rieger, eds. "New optimization algorithms in physics." (2004): 134411.

  • Mezard, Marc, and Andrea Montanari. Information, physics, and computation. Oxford University Press, 2009.

  • Computational Physics By RUBIN H. LANDAU, MANUEL JOSE PAEZ and CRISTIAN C. BORDEIANU (See this link)
  • A good presentation by Kip R. Irvine for number representation (Download)
  • A good text for commands in Fortran, C++, Matlab (Download)
  • VPython
  • Some necessary things for programming skills (Download)
  • A good paper for data analysis in cosmology by Licia Verde, arXiv:0712.3028
  • Online numerical recipes (
  • My lectures on Errors and PDF (Download) (Download)
  • Some of my Python programs (Download)
  • Visualization by Matlab (link)
  • Discretization approaches (Download) (Download)
  • My note about deterministic Fractals (Download) & (see this link)
  • A good reference for errors analysis (see this link)
  • A proper series for Machine learning (Part 1), (part 2)
  • School and Workshop on statistical analysis of stochastic fields (Link) (Link)
  • A pedagogical matter for MCMC (Link)
Other related materials and courses
  • Researches methods course (Link)
  • Data Analysis workshop (Link)
  • Data Sciences (Link)
  • Stochastic field Workshop (Link)
  • Topological Based Data Analysis Workshop (Link)
  • Challenges in training and researches in Physics (Link)
  • Critical Phenomena and Phase transitions (Link)

Some of my lectures on the Board

My previous lectures (Link) and (Link) and (Link)



# Set 1 (Download)  Necessary files (Q2-Part A)  (Q2-Part B) (Q2-Part E) (Data_new)

# Set 2 (Download)  Necessary files (DataSet2)

# Set 3 (Download) data (including 0.2.txt, 0.5.txt and 0.8.txt) (Download)

# Set 4 (Download)

# Set 5 (Download) Necessary file (Data)

# Set 6 (Download)










Last Updated on Saturday, 29 June 2024 19:18  

About Me

Tomb of Cyrus the great (Pasargadae, IRAN)

Professor of Physics,
Shahid Beheshti University,
Tehran, IRAN.


Adjunct faculty,
The University of Lahore,
Lahore, PAKISTAN. (2024 - Now)


Resident researcher,
School of Astronomy,
Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM),

Tehran, IRAN. (2023 - Now)


Resident researcher,
School of Physics,
Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM),

Tehran, IRAN. (2013-2021)


Junior Associate of ICTP,
International Center for Theoretical Physics,
Trieste, ITALY (2009-2016)



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