Advanced course on Computational Physics for Ph.D. and MS students (Winter-Spring 2020)
This course is devoted to advanced and more recent topics in computational methods for physics.
Some topics to teach are as follows:
- Solving coupled Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
- Chaotic phenomena
- Probability Distribution functions and transformations
- Correlation functions, Two-point correlation function
- Spectral analysis
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Basic topics for Molecular dynamics simulations
- Simulation by VPython
- Machine learning in Physics
Course subjects and program (Download)
- Computational Physics By RUBIN H. LANDAU, MANUEL JOSE PAEZ and CRISTIAN C. BORDEIANU (See this link)
- A good presentation by Kip R. Irvine for number representation (Download)
- Some bash samples (Download)
- A good text for commands in Fortran, C++, Matlab (Download)
- VPython
- Some necessary things for programming skills (Download)
- A good paper for data analysis in cosmology by Licia Verde, arXiv:0712.3028
- Online numerical recipes (
- Computational physics course by Dr. Seyed Akbar Jafari, Sharif University of Technology
- A good note prepared by Dr. Seyed Akbar Jafari (Download)
- Note on Quantum Monte Carlo by Dr. Mehdi Neek Amal (Download)
- My lecture concerning Errors and PDF (Download) (Download)
- Some of my Python programs (Download)
- Visualization by Matlab (link)
- Discretization approaches (Download)
- My note about deterministic Fractals (Download) & (See this link)
- A good reference for errors
- A proper series for Machine learning (Part 1), (part 2),
- Some good Books for Machine learning and related topics,
Some titles of projects to do:
2- Traffic-Jamming simulation
3- Lattice-Boltzmann algorithm
4- N-Body simulation programs
5- Image processes
7- Ansys: Computational fluid dynamics
8- Providing a code for detrending method
10- Monte Carlo simulation in Medicine
11- Neural-Networks and applications
12- Synchronization measures
13- Visualization of coupling in data
14- Simulation of Phonons in lattice
Some of my lectures on the Board
- Preliminary part (Download)
- Number Representation (Download) (Download)
- Data Science (Download)
- Error estimation (error estimation) my note included (error estimation)
- 981213 (comp981213)
- 981215 (comp981215)
- 981218 (comp981218)
- 981220 (comp981220)
- 981225 (comp981225)
- 981227 (comp981227)
- 990117 (comp990117)
- 990119 (comp990119)
- 990124 (comp990124)
- 990126 (comp990126)
- 990131 (comp990131)
- 990202 (comp990202) & Finite difference and Finite element methods (DFE)
- 990202B (comp990202B)
- 990207 (comp990207)
- 990209 (comp990209)
- 990214 (comp990214)
- 990216 (comp990216)
- MC (Download)
- 990221-A (comp990221-A)
- 990221-B (comp990221-B)
- 990223-A (comp990223A)
- 990228 (comp990228)
- 990230 (comp990230)
- 990306 (comp990306)
- 990306 (comp990311A) & Finite difference and Finite element methods (DFE) & Quantum mechanic via FEM (Download) , Mozafari's talk (CP 1396) (link)
- 990311 (comp990311B) Simple class of Genetic Algorithm- Part A
- 990313 (comp990313) Simple class of Genetic Algorithm- Part B
- 990318 (comp990318)
- 990320 (comp990320)
- 990325 (part 1), Related topics
- 990328 Related topics (Part 2), Related code
# Quiz1 (Download)
هر توضیحی در مورد هر سوال دارید را نیز بنویسید و جواب اسکن شده را نیز به پاسخهایتان پیوست نمایید
# Quiz2 (Download) and data (Download) 13:00-14:00 pm
هر توضیحی در مورد هر سوال دارید را نیز بنویسید و جواب اسکن شده را نیز به پاسخهایتان پیوست نمایید
# Question (Download)
Marks: (Download)
# Set 1 (Download) List_arrange (Download) Data (Download)
# Set 2 (Download) data (Download)
# Set 3 (Download) fitinput (Download), data (Download), marks (Download)
# Set 4 (Download)
# Set 5 (Download) data (Download)
# Set 6 (Download) data (Download)
# Set 7 (Download)
# Set 8 (Download) data (Download)
# Set 9 (Download)
# Set 10 (Download) secondDE.pdf (Download)
# Set 11 (Download) Sample Data (Download)
# Set 12 (Download) fitinput (Download)
# Set 13 (Download)
# Set 14 (Download)
# Set 15 (Download) fitinput (Download)
# Set 16 (Download) fitinput (Download)
# Set 17 (Download) Hoda Data (Download)