Advanced course on statistical Mechanics I (Winter-Spring 2025)
This course is devoted to advanced topics in statistical mechanics.
Link for class (Link)
Link for my previous lectures on Statistical Mechanics 2 (Khajeh Nasir Digital Library, SBU VPN needed)
Some topics to teach are as follows:
- Thermodynamic Limit
- Thermodynamical equilibrium
- Observable quantities
- Statistical ensembles
- Classical statistical mechanics
- Maxwell Boltzmann distribution
- Quantum Statistics
- BE & FD distributions
- An introduction to effective theory and critical phenomena
- Thermodynamics of early Universe
Course subjects and program (Download)
Preliminary Topics (Download)
- Stochastic fields: Definition and classification (Download)
- Statistics of smoothed cosmic fields in perturbation theory I: Formulation and useful formulas in second-order perturbation theory (Download)
- Lecture notes on critical Phenomena provided by Prof. Vahid Karimipour
- Mean field Theory (see link)
- Effective Theory (see link)
- Lecture Notes on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (A Work in Progress), (See also this link) by Prof. Daniel Arovas.
- Interactive simulations (Link)
- paper on Fluctuations

- Researches methods course (Link)
- Critical Phenomena and Phase transitions (Link)
- Computational Physics (Link) and (Link)
- Data Analysis workshop (Link)
- Data Sciences (Link)
- Stochastic field Workshop (Link)
- Topological Based Data Analysis Workshop (Link)
- Challenges in training and researches in Physics (Link)
- Special topics (Link)

1- R.K. Pathria, "Statistical Mechanics"
2- M. Kardar, "Statistical Physics of Particles"
3- Greiner et. al., “Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics”
Other relevant References:
4- Reif, F., Fundamental of statistical and thermal physics, Waveland Press, 2009.
5- Reif, F., Statistical Physics (Berkeley Physics course-Volume 5), Macgraw-Hill Book company, 1967.
6- Kerson Huang, “Statistical Mechanics”, Johm Wiley and Sons.
7- Dalvit, Diego AR, Jaime Frastai and Ian Lawrie, "Problems on statistical mechanics", CRC Press, 1999.
8- arXiv:1107.0568, “Lecture Notes in Statistical Mechanics and Mesoscopics”
9- STEPHEN J. BLUNDELL AND KATHERINE M. BLUNDELL ,”Concepts in Thermal Physics”.
My previous lectures (Link) & (Click here)
Exams timeline
First midterm would be on 1404/12/23 (13/03/2025) at 9:00 am including Review on Thermodynamics and chapter 1
second midterm would be on 1404/02/11 (13/05/2025) at 9:00 am including chapters: 2, 3 and 4
Third midterm would be on 1404/03/20 (19/06/2025) at 9:00 pm including chapters 5 and 6
Final exam includes chapters 7 and 8