Critical Phenomena and Phase transition for Ph.D. and MS students (Fall 2019)
This course is devoted to Critical Phenomena and Phase transition.
Some topics to teach are as follows:
- Thermodynamic Limit
- Finite size effects
- Phase transition
- Mean Field theory
- Renormalization Group
- Operator Product Expansion

- Course subjects and program (Download)
- Stochastic fields: Definition and classification (Download)
- Statistics of smoothed cosmic fields in perturbation theory I: Formulation and useful formulas in second-order perturbation theory (Download)
- Lecture notes on critical Phenomena provided by Prof. Vahid Karimipour
- Mean field Theory (see link)
- Effective Theory (see link)
- Lecture Notes on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (A Work in Progress), (See also this link) by Prof. Daniel Arovas.
Some of my lectures on the Board
Ising model (Download)
Landau Ginzburg (Download)
Widom Scaling (Download)
RG1 (Download)
RG2 (Download)
RG3 (Download)
RG4 (Download)
RG5 (Download)
RG6 (Download)
RG7 (Download)
OPE (Download)
# Set 1 (Download)
# Set 2 (Download)
# Set 3 (Download)
# Set 4 (Download)
# Set 5 (Download)
# Set 6 (Download)