Advanced course on statistical physics I (Fall 2023)
This course is devoted to advanced topics in statistical mechanics.
Link for class
Link for my previous lectures on Computational Physics
Link for my previous lectures on Statistical Mechanics 1
Link for my previous lectures on Statistical Mechanics 2 (Khajeh Nasir Digital Library, SBU VPN needed)
Some topics to teach are as follows:
- Thermodynamic Limit
- Thermodynamical equilibrium
- Observable quantities
- Statistical ensembles
- Classical statistical mechanics
- Maxwell Boltzmann distribution
- Quantum Statistics
- BE & FD distributions
- An introduction to effective theory and critical phenomena
- Thermodynamics of early Universe
Course subjects and program (Download)
Preliminary Topics (Download)
- Stochastic fields: Definition and classification (Download)
- Statistics of smoothed cosmic fields in perturbation theory I: Formulation and useful formulas in second-order perturbation theory (Download)
- Lecture notes on critical Phenomena provided by Prof. Vahid Karimipour
- Mean field Theory (see link)
- Effective Theory (see link)
- Lecture Notes on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (A Work in Progress), (See also this link) by Prof. Daniel Arovas.
- Interactive simulations (Link)

- Researches methods course (Link)
- Critical Phenomena and Phase transitions (Link)
- Computational Physics (Link)
- Data Analysis workshop (Link)
- Data Sciences (Link)
- Challenges in training and researches in Physics (Link)
1- R.K. Pathria, "Statistical Mechanics"
2- M. Kardar, "Statistical Physics of Particles"
3- Greiner et. al., “Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics”
Other relevant References:
4- Reif, F., Fundamental of statistical and thermal physics, Waveland Press, 2009.
5- Reif, F., Statistical Physics (Berkeley Physics course-Volume 5), Macgraw-Hill Book company, 1967.
6- Kerson Huang, “Statistical Mechanics”, Johm Wiley and Sons.
7- Dalvit, Diego AR, Jaime Frastai and Ian Lawrie, "Problems on statistical mechanics", CRC Press, 1999.
8- arXiv:1107.0568, “Lecture Notes in Statistical Mechanics and Mesoscopics”
9- STEPHEN J. BLUNDELL AND KATHERINE M. BLUNDELL ,”Concepts in Thermal Physics”.
My previous lectures (Link) & (Click here)
paper on Fluctuations
First midterm would be on 1402/08/04 at 1:00 pm (Questions with answer-key)
First Midterm Marks (Download)
second midterm would be on 1402/09/23 at 1:00 pm including chapters: 1,2,3,4 (Questions with answer-key) (Credit for the Answer-key is for Ali Talebi as my TA for this course)
Second Midterm Marks (Download)
Third midterm would be on 1402/10/14 at 1:00 pm including chapters 5 and 6 (Questions with answer-key) (Credit for the Answer-key is for Ali Talebi as my TA for this course)
Third Midterm Marks (Download)
Final exam includes chapters 7 and 8
Set 1 (Download) (see Reif, F., Statistical Physics (Berkeley Physics course-Volume 5), Macgraw-Hill Book company, 1967 and Link)
Set 2 (Download)
Set 3 (Download)
Set 4 (Download)
Set 5 (Download)