Shahid Beheshti University

Department of Physics

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Modern Cosmology (Winter-Spring 2014)

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Advanced topic in Modern Cosmology and Early Universe (Winter and Spring 2014)


This course is devoted to advanced and more recent topics in modern cosmology and early universe.


Some relevant references:


1) دست نوشته های درسی خودم که در منزلگاه اینجانب قابل دریافت است (Download)
2) کتاب "درآمدی بر کیهانشناسی نوین"، تألیف نعمت‌الله ریاضی
3) کتاب "نسبیت خاص"، تألیف شهرام خسروی و رضا منصوری.
4) “Modern Cosmology”, S. Dodelson.
5) “The primordial Density Perturbation”, D. H. Lyth et. Al.
6) “Physical Foundation of Cosmology”, V. Mukhanov.
7) “Structure Formation in the Universe”, T. Padmanabhan.
8) “An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics”, B.W. Carroll & D.A. Ostlie
9) “The cosmic microwave background”, R. Durrer.
10) “Galaxy Formation and Evolution”, H. Mo, F.V. den Bosch and S. White.
11) “Cosmology”, S. Weinberg.
12) “Data analysis in cosmology, “Lecture notes in physics 665”.
13) “Data analysis”, D.S. Sivia
14) “Dark energy: Theory and observations”, Luca Amendola and Shinji Tsujikawa.
15) “Statistics of the Galaxy distribution”, Vicent J. Martinez and Enn Saar.
16) "A short course in General Relativity", J. Foster and J. D. Nightingale.
17) Redbooks and scientific reports of Euclid project, arXiv:1206.1225.
18) My short note regarding fisher information matrix (Download)




SNIa data set (Download)

# Set 1 (Download)

# Set 2 (Download)

# Set 3 (Download)

# Set 4 (Download)

# Set 5 (Download)

# Set 6 (Download)

# Set 7 (Download)

# Set 8 (Download)

# Set 9 (Download)

# Set 10 (Download)

# Set 11 (Download)

# Set 12 (Download)

# Set 13 (Download)

# Set 14 (Download)





Last Updated on Thursday, 04 September 2014 17:23  
