An implementation study of wearable sensors for activity recognition systems
Time and Location:
Aug 21st 2017 , 10:30 am
University of Sydney, Electrical Eng, WiNG
Abstract. This seminar addresses a number of human activity recognition (HAR) methods for a wearable sensor system. A system structure including the data acquisition solutions is discussed to provide a general view about HAR systems. Influential HAR system design issues such as attributes and sensor selections, obtrusiveness, data collection protocols, energy limitation, and user flexibility will be discussed. The HAR methods including different feature extraction and learning mechanisms are described. To provide an overview of HAR analysis, our recent published case studies will be reviewed and evaluation techniques will be compared with an emphasis on the analysis metrics, assumptions and scenarios. This seminar aims to highlight research perspectives and open problems across different levels; i.e., hardware design, accurate measurement techniques, power efficient mechanism and reproducible case studies.