WSN Workshop in ICEE2016


The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Workshop was a practical training session to work with real wireless sensor devices and was held as one of the 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical and Engineering (ICEE 2016) workshops.

This Workshop was a combinational tutorial includes both theoretical and practical aspects of WSNs and organised by e-Sense research lab in collaboration with IEEE Iran Section education activity committee.


In theoretical session, Dr. Ghassemian provided necessary background of WSN from hardware level to the application level for attendees.


After that, at the practical session, Mr. Shirali introduced many types of educational sensors which can sense different environmental conditions and showed how to run many demos on these sensors in order to collect data from the environment and make a WSN.

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Workshop organiser:

Dr. Mona Ghassemian

Technical Team:

Mohsen Shirali

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