Shahid Beheshti University

Department of Physics

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باسمه تعالی

 کارگاه علم داده: مدلسازی دادهها

بررسی خطاها در اندازه گیری داده ها در آزمایشگاه

Data Science: Data modeling workshop

Lecture 1 (Download)

Lecture 2 (Download)

Lecture 3 (Download)

Other necessary things

Fitting (Download)

Kernel (Download)




Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 September 2019 20:32  

About Me

Tomb of Cyrus the great (Pasargadae, IRAN)

Professor of Physics,
Shahid Beheshti University,
Tehran, IRAN.


Adjunct faculty,
The University of Lahore,
Lahore, PAKISTAN. (2024 - Now)


Resident researcher,
School of Astronomy,
Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM),

Tehran, IRAN. (2023 - Now)


Resident researcher,
School of Physics,
Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM),

Tehran, IRAN. (2013-2021)


Junior Associate of ICTP,
International Center for Theoretical Physics,
Trieste, ITALY (2009-2016)



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