Shahid Beheshti University

Department of Physics

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Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Movahed Academic Homepage


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My program in the Winter-Spring semester (1403-1404 (2024-2025)) (Download)

The CCG-SBU website including the group activities

My weekly meeting will be found in

General information regarding scientific projects in my group (نظام موضوعات پژوهشی در گروه علمی من) (Download)

Current topics in my group (Complex systems part & Cosmology part)

Some proposed Books for the relation between Physics and Philosophy.

Ibn-Sina Lab (COMPLEX SYSTEMS LAB) needs your helps and your scientific contributions (see also Extra news 24): There are some Undergraduate and graduate projects to do, Those who are interested in collaborating on this project call me and send CV for further investigation.
For more information see (Download), See also a short movie for ICTP's School (Download), Visit also (Homepage)

For those, who are interested in using Ibn-Sina Lab (Download)


Extra News 1:


Simulation based inferences Workshop

Organized by CCG.SBU (10 Bahman 1402 (30 January 2024)), Isfahan, Iran

Extra News 2:


Second Intensive Scientific Report Day

Organized by CCG.SBU (24 Aban 1402 (15 November 2023))

Extra News 3:


A hybrid crash course on Oscillator Ising Machines

(23 Mehr 1402 (15 October 2023))

Extra News 4:


Cosmological inferences through computational Topology and Geometrical measures

(12 Mehr 1402 (4 October 2023))

Webinar of Computational Physics's branch of PSI

Extra News 5:

Workshop on Computational Cosmology: From Theory to Observation

(10 and 11  Mordad 1402 (1-2 August 2023))

Department Schoo of Astronomy, IPM, Tehran, Iran

Extra News 6: Read more

Workshop on Topological based Data Analysis

(2 and 3  Shahrivar 1401)

Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Complementary document

Extra News 7: Read more

School and Workshop on Statistical Analysis of Cosmological Fields

(21,22 and 29  Mehr 1400)

Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Extra News 8: Read more

ai-corona: Radiologist-Assistant Deep Learning Framework for COVID-19 Diagnosis in Chest CT Scans

Read more

and an official website for ai-corona

Extra News 9: Read more

Researches in Integrated Sciences Conference

(3 Bahman 1398)

The Academy of Science, Tehran, Iran


Extra News 10: Read more

Workshop on data modeling

(14-15 Bahman 1398)

Department of Physics, Kordestan University, Sanandaj, Iran

Extra News 11: Read more

Statistical Physics, Soft Condensed matter and Complex Systems Conference

(27-28 Farvardin 1399)

Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Extra News 12: Read more

A workshop on Data Analysis in Cosmology

(22-23 Aban 1398)

Department of Physics, University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur, Iran

Extra News 13: Read more

Third workshop on Machine Learning in Physics: Applications in Astronomy and Cosmology

(11-12 Ordibehesht 1398)
Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran



Extra News 14: Read more

Second workshop on Machine Learning in Physics: Applications in Condensed Matter Physics

(11-13 Mehr 1397)
Department of Physics, UT, Tehran, Iran

Extra News 15: Read more

Tehran school on Theory and Applications of Complex Networks

24-29 August 2018 (3-7 Shahrivar 1397)
Department of Physics, Shahid Behehshti University Tehran, Iran

Extra News 16: Read more

IPM Advanced Data Science Summer School (ADS3)

8 Speakers/6 Days

August 18-23 2018 (27th Mordad- 1st Shahrivar 1397)
School of Computer Sciences, IPM, Tehran, Iran


Extra News 17: Read more

IPM Elementary Data Science Summer School (EDs3)

4 Courses/6 Days

June 30th- July 5th  2018 (9-14 Tir 1397)
School of Computer Sciences, IPM, Tehran, Iran


Extra News 18: Read more

Workshop on Data modeling

16 May  2018 (26 Ordibehesht 1397)
Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Useful stuff

Extra News 19: Read more

Workshop on CAMB and CosmoMC

17 May  2018 (27 Ordibehesht 1397)
Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Useful stuff

Extra News 20: Read more


IPM Cosmology Seminar

28 February  2018 (9 Esfand 1396)
IPM, Tehran, Iran


Extra News 21: Read more

IPM Data Science Day

30 November 2017 (9 Azar 1396)
IPM, Tehran, Iran


Extra News 22: Read more

Computational Physics Conference


Workshop on Machine Learning

30 January till 1 February  2018 (10-12 Bahman 1396)
SBU, Tehran, Iran

Extra News 23: Read more

Tehran meeting on Cosmology

5 -10 August 2017 (14 -19 Mordad 1396)
IPM, Tehran, Iran


Extra News 24: Establishing COMPLEX SYSTEMS LAB:

I am going to establish a laboratory regarding COMPLEX SYSTEMS and NON-LINEAR DYNAMICS. To this end, There are some Undergraduate and graduate projects to do, Those who are interested in collaborating on this project call me and send CV for further investigation.
For more information see (Download), See also a short movie for ICTP's School (Download)


Extra News 25: SBU-Trieste scientific agreement

A Scientific agreement has been established between SBU & Trieste University, Italy.

Read more (English)

Extra News 26: SBU-Camerino scientific agreement

A Scientific agreement has been established between SBU & Camerino University, Italy.

Read more (English)

Extra News 27: SBU-KAZAN scientific agreement

A Scientific agreement has been established between Department of Physics & KAZAN Federal University, Russia.

Read more (Persian) (Russia) (English)


Extra News 28: An opportunity for Ph.D. students:

ICTP-IAEA Sandwich Training Educational Program


Extra News 29:

The Computational Cosmology Group (CCG) has been established in SBU-IPM

Read more

Extra News 30:

A federation agreement has been established between Physics

department of Shahid Beheshti University and ICTP till 2018

Read more


