Aerosol Mass Spectrometry

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ofeqUkN9vAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC Aerosol Mass Spectrometry

Aerosol mass spectrometry is the application of mass spectrometry to aerosol particles. Aerosol particles are defined as solid and liquid particles suspended in a gas (air), with size range of 3 nm to 100 μm in diameter. Aerosol particles are produced from natural and anthropogenic sources, through a variety of different processes that include; wind-blown suspension, and combustion of fossil fuels and biomass. Analysis of aerosol particles is important because of their major impacts on the global climate change, visibility, .regional air pollution and human health


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Medicinal plants and drug research institute , Shahid Beheshti University, Shahid Shahriari Square, Daneshjou Boulevard, Shahid Chamran Highway, Tehran, Iran.

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