All posts by Mohsen Shirali

Dr. Ghassemian’s Talk at King’s College London


Internet of Medical things:

Wearable wireless sensors systems for healthcare monitoring applications


Time and Location:

10 August 2016 – 2-3 pm, Centre for Telecommunications Research (CTR) Strand Building

Abstract: Recent technological advancements in wireless low power/low range communication systems, MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) technology and integrated circuits have enabled low-power, intelligent, miniaturised, nano-technology sensor nodes strategically placed around the human body to be used in various applications, such as wearable wireless healthcare monitoring systems. This exciting new area of research is called Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) and leverages the emerging IEEE 802.15.6 and IEEE 802.15.4j standards, specifically standardised for Internet of Medical Things (IoMTs). This tutorial provides a survey on the current state-of-art of WBANs based on the latest standards which enable IoMTs with a range of representative applications. From these applications, we will abstract out the major challenges to realising the wearable wireless sensors systems for healthcare monitoring applications. Part I of the tutorial will start with an overview of WBANs, with a focus on the fundamental concepts of healthcare sensor hardware and measurement circuits. Furthermore related low power /low range wireless communication technologies and standards used for WBANs, the challenges and impairments of wireless media for IoMTs will be addressed. Introduction session will conclude by addressing the data acquisition and validation techniques for processing the healthcare data collected from the wearable wireless sensor networks. In Part II of the tutorial, the key design issues for wearable Activity Recognition systems, as an example of healthcare applications, will be presented. Design issues with respect to type/number/location of sensors according to the purpose of the application will be discussed. Emerging IoMTs research opportunities and challenges will be discussed in Part III of the tutorial. Topics in this section cover both theoretical and practical aspects, including the wearable system limitations, selection of attributes and sensors, obtrusiveness, data collection protocols, recognition performance criteria, energy consumption, processing and user flexibility. Open issues and challenges within each area are also explored as a source of inspiration towards future developments in WBANs. An activity recognition prototype demonstration will conclude the tutorial to provide the practical aspects and challenges for a wearable wireless sensor network solution.

for further information please visit CTR Seminars.

Dr. Vatanpour Visited eSense’s Lab and Projects

The director of Health Technology Development Office (HTDO), Dr Vatanpour, visited eSense research lab at Cyberspace Research Institute on April 26, 2016 (7th of Ordibehesht 1395) to observe eSense’s main projects in the smart health field.


First, Dr Ghassemian presented eSense’s project for neurofeedback therapy which is in progress with the collaboration of Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences and explained its usage in treatment of ADHD kids.


Then, Mr Rezaii presented his activity recognition project to Dr vatanpour and Professor Zarei pointed out the effectiveness of this project in activity monitoring for elderly people and diagnosis of Parkinson disease.


Finally, Dr Ghassemian had a presentation about international projects and applications for Parkinson diagnosis and proposed the suggested project for this purpose under the supervision of Prof. Zarei in order to use for clinical evaluation of people with Parkinson.



Hamed Barzamini’s Paper Presentation

Paper Presentation

Smart Grid Conference (SGC15)


شناسايي سرقت انرژي در شبکه ي هوشمند انرژي با
استفاده از تکنيک تحليل مؤلفه هاي اصلي


Hamed Barzamini

Dr. Mona Ghassemian

Location: Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)

Time:14:00 – 15:40,  22 December 2015

For more information visit:

Effective Communications workshop

International Technical Committee (ITC) 3rd educational workshop

Effective Communications

with the collaboration of IEEE Iran Section


This half day educational workshop aimed to device the engineering students with the communication tips that are not included in any formal curriculum.

The Effective Communications workshop was held by ITC at Computer Science and Engineering faculty of Shahid Beheshti University with more than 30 attendees.



Dr Mona Ghassemian had a presentation in this workshop and covered this topics

  • tips for Effective E-Mail communication
  • hints for winning personal statements
  • the impact of reference letters
  • power of presentation
  • the essay-writing process




you can download Dr. Ghassemian Slides from this link:



IEEE 10th International Symposium on Medical ICT 2016



IEEE IEEE 10th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology


Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Worcester, Massachusetts

March 21-23, 2016


Dependable Medicine using advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based on Regulatory Science (RS) is the focus of the 10th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT 2016). ISMICT 2016 aims to establish a forum to present new research and development results, exchange ideas, discuss practices, and share experiences among Technology and Medicine sides including healthcare, wellness, clinical therapy, and surgery as well as ICT, mechanical, and biomedical engineering. Moreover, activities of standard, regulation, and business for medical ICT devices, systems and services will be promoted by local, national, and global government and industry. ISMICT 2016 will be held in Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, 21-23 March 2016. Papers are invited on topics including, but not limited to, the following:
 CPS for medical applications
 BAN technology (PHY, MAC, protocols)
 Antennas and radio propagation for wireless BAN
 Medical BAN applications and services
 Wearable and implantable devices
 E-Health systems and electronic medical records
 Hospital data networks and wireless hospital
 Privacy and Security issues
 Pervasive health care and patient monitoring
 Medical imaging and patient diagnostic systems
 Human body communication
 Preventive care & remote patient management
 Radio coexistence and robustness
 Cognitive radio for wireless BAN
 Telemedicine, tele-monitoring, tele-surgery
 Wellness and sports training
 Rehabilitation and activity monitoring
 Wireless healthcare, homecare and welfare
 Medical device regulatory science


Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: November 30, 2015
Paper acceptance notification: January 15, 2016
Camera-ready paper due: February 15, 2016