1. Reviewer of Mathematical Reviews (MR) of AMS, 2006-.
2. Member of the Iranian Mathematical Society.
3. Member of the American Mathematical Society.
4. Head of the Algebra Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society.
5. Member of the organizing committee of the Monthly Colloquium of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2000-2003.
6. Member of the organizing committee of the 12th Iranian Algebra Seminar, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, 2000.
7. Member of the scientific committee of the 13th Iranian Algebra Seminar, Auromiah University, Auromiah, 2001.
8. Member of the scientific committee of the 3rd Seminar on Geometry and Topology Algebra Seminar, Azarbaidjan University of Tarbiat Moallem, Tabriz, July 2004.
9. Chief organizer of the 10th Iranian Fuzzy Conference, Shahid Beheshti University, 2011.
10. Member of the scientific committee of the 22th Iranian Algebra Seminar, Sabzevar Teacher Training University, 2012.
11. Member of the scientific committee of the 45th Annual Iranian Conference, 2014.
13. Organizer of the MACS (Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science) workshops, 2014-2016 14. Member of the Scientific committee of the 29th Algebra Seminar, Hakim Sabzevari University, 2016.
15. Director in Charge, and an editor of the Journal CGASA (Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications) publishes by Shahid Beheshti University.