Direct plasma treatment approach based on non thermal gliding arc for surface modification of biaxially-oriented polypropylene with post-exposure hydrophilicity improvement and minus aging effects
Fahimeh Darvish, Navid Mostofi Sarkari , Mohammadreza Khani, Esmaeil Eslami, Babak Shokri, Mohsen Mohseni, Morteza Ebrahimi, Mahdi Alizadeh, Chang Fu Dee
Applied Surface Science
Available online 28 November 2019, 144815

Aging phenomenon or hydrophobic recovery of plasma-treated surfaces is a major concern in various fields of application. Post-plasma decay of treatment level can lead to problems such as delamination and incompatibility. Considerable work has been done to understand the fundamental mechanisms of aging, from which several approaches have been developed to tackle it. Most of the released solutions require additional and further steps after or before the plasma exposure to stabilize the treatment level and prevent its downfall. This per se causes process difficulties and increases production costs. Herein, a single-step gliding arc plasma-based method is investigated for modification of biaxially-oriented polypropylene (BOPP). Findings approved post-treatment progressive hydrophilicity improvement in this method. Surface characteristics’ alterations were assessed instantly after the treatment and with intervals during five weeks via ATR-FTIR, XPS, AFM, FESEM, GIXRD, and contact angle measurement (static and dynamic) in order to explain the plasma effects and aging findings. Results indicated that this treatment approach could make a significant contribution to the field of plasma surface treatment via introducing a feasible and fast method that can be carried out in a single step and at the atmospheric pressure with minus aging effects and without the unfavorable hydrophobic recovery phenomenon.