


Irankhahi, P., Riahi, H., Hassani, S. B., Eskafi, M., Azimzadeh Irani, M., & Shariatmadari, Z. (2024). The role of the protective shield against UV-C radiation and its molecular interactions in Nostoc species (Cyanobacteria). Scientific Reports14(1), 19258.

Garmeh Motlagh, F., Azimzadeh Irani, M., Masoomi Nomandan, S. Z., & Assadizadeh, M. (2024). Computational design and investigation of the monomeric spike SARS-CoV-2-ferritin nanocage vaccine stability and interactions. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 11, 1403635.

Assadizadeh M, Azimzadeh Irani M. Oligomer formation of SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 through 73YIDI76 motifs regulates immune response and non-infusion antiviral interactions. Front Mol Biosci. 2023 Nov 29;10:1270511. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2023.1270511.

Assadizadeh M, Goodarz N, Pak A, Haghayeghi M, and Irani M, Structural investigation of Amphibalanus amphitrite cement proteins: an in-silico study. Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials, 2024.

Javanmard, A., Azimzadeh-Irani, M., Tafazzoli, G., Esmaeilzadeh, A., Shirinpoor-Kharf, M., Haghayeghi, S. M. H. In-silico structural analysis of Heterocephalus glaber amyloid beta: an anti-Alzheimer’s peptide. Molecular Biology Research Communications, 2024; 13(1): 29-42. doi: 10.22099/mbrc.2023.48223.1862

Narges Jamshidi Khameneh, Maryam Azimzadeh Irani & Mohammad Reza Ejtehadi (2023) Molecular mechanism of glycosylated IL-1RII counteraction with IL-1RI in regulation of the immune response, Molecular Simulation, DOI: 10.1080/08927022.2023.2243339

Mashayekh-Poul, R., Azimzadeh-Irani, M., Masoomi-Nomandan, S. Z. Structural arrangement of the active back-to-back dimer in N-glycosylated ErbB receptors is regulated by heterodimerization. Molecular Biology Research Communications, 2023; (): 95-107. doi: 10.22099/mbrc.2023.47147.1822

Azimzadeh Irani, M., Askari, H., Jahanfar, M. et al. Molecular arrangement of cellulose bio-nanofibers in formation of higherorder assemblies. J Polym Res 30, 212 (2023).

Motamedi, Z., Shahsavari, M., Rajabi-Maham, H., Azimzadeh Irani, M. Cancer regulator EGFR-ErbB4 heterodimer is stabilized through glycans at the dimeric interface. J Mol Model 28, 399 (2022).

Masoomi Nomandan, S. Z., Azimzadeh Irani, M., & Hosseini, S. M. In-silico Design of Refined Ferritin-SARS-CoV-2 glyco-RBD Nanoparticle Vaccine. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 972.

Ghanbari Moheb Seraj, R., Tohidfar, M., Azimzadeh Irani, M. et al. Metabolomics analysis of milk thistle lipids to identify drought-tolerant genes. Sci Rep 1212827 (2022).

Shahbazi, M.;  Tohidfar, M.;  Azimzadeh Irani, M.; Moheb Seraj, R. G., Functional annotation and evaluation of hypothetical proteins in cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 2022,39, 102246.

Motamedi, Z., Rajabi-Maham, H. & Azimzadeh Irani, M. Glycosylation promotes the cancer regulator EGFR-ErbB2 heterodimer formation — molecular dynamics study. J Mol Model 27, 361 (2021).

Shahbazi, M., Tohidfar, M. & Azimzadeh Irani, M. Identification of the key functional genes in salt-stress tolerance of Cyanobacterium Phormidium tenue using in silico analysis. 3 Biotech 11, 503 (2021).

Rahnama, S., Azimzadeh Irani, M., Amininasab, M. et al. S494 O-glycosylation site on the SARS-CoV-2 RBD affects the virus affinity to ACE2 and its infectivity; a molecular dynamics study. Sci Rep 11, 15162 (2021).

Maryam Azimzadeh Irani & Mohammad Reza Ejtehadi (2020) Glycan-mediated functional assembly of IL-1RI: structural insights into completion of the current description for immune response, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1841027

Azimzadeh Irani, M., & Ejtehadi, M. R. (2019). GAG positioning on IL-1RI;
A mechanism regulated by dual effect of glycosylation. Glycobiology,
29(11), 803–812.

Azimzadeh Irani, Maryam. 2018. ‘Correlation between experimentally indicated and atomistically simulated roles of EGFR N-glycosylation’, Molecular Simulation, 44: 743-48.

Azimzadeh Irani, M., Kannan, S., & Verma, C. (2017). Role of N-glycosylation
in EGFR ectodomain ligand binding. Proteins, 85(8), 1529–1549.

Journals in Persian:

عظیم زاده ایرانی, مریم. مروری بر شبیه سازی های دینامیک مولکولی در شناخت ساز و کار پدیده های زیستی در مقیاس نانو. دنیای نانو, 1401; 18(68): 8-13.

عظیم زاده ایرانی, مریم, عسکری, حسین. مکانیسم مولکولی آرایش نانوفیبرهای سلولزی. دنیای نانو, 1400; 17(65): 1-5.

Books in Persian:

مبانی بیوانفورماتیک کاربردی، انتشارات جهاد دانشگاهی علامه طباطبایی، ۱۴۰۲


Mashayekh Poul R, Masoomi Nomandan, S Z, Azimzadeh Irani, M, “In-silico investigation of the ErbB family dimerization mechanism”, The 2nd International and 4th National Conference on Biomathematics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran 2022.

Rezaee R, Hosseini M, Niaraki N, Akbarnia P, Haghayeghi S M H, Azimzadeh Irani M. “Artificial Intelligence Folding of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Proteins for Establishing Vaccine Strategies”, The 2nd International and 4th National Conference on Biomathematics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran 2022.

M. Azimzadeh Irani, H. Askari “Molecular Mechanism of Cellulose Nanofibers Arrangement”, The 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Biomathematics – Damghan University, Iran 2022.

S. Rahnama, M. Azimzadeh Irani, M. Amininasab, M. Ejtehadi, “O-glycosylation of the SARS-CoV-2 RBD Affects the Virus Affinity to ACE2”, In International virtual conference on Biophysics of life on Earth and the Covid-19 pandemic (World Biophysics Week 2021), 2021.

Key Presenter: Azimzadeh Irani M (2020): Unravelling the structural role of glycoconjugates in triggering the inflammatory responses. International Congress of Isfahan Biomedical Sciences, ICIBS. Isfahan, Iran.

Azimzadeh Irani M (2020): Sweet Story of Immune Response. Joint QLS-CMSP Virtual Summer Retreat on Heat, Water, Noise, and Life|(smr 3550), Trieste, Italy.

Azimzadeh Irani M (2019): Unravelling the structural role of glycoconjugates in triggering the inflammatory responses. The 5th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS), Jeju, Korea.

Azimzadeh Irani, M (2018): Role of Glycosylation in Developing Anti-cancer Therapeutics, 7th Conference on Bioinformatics, 3-5 January 2018, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

Azimzadeh Irani M, Verma C. (2016): Role of N-glycosylation on EGFR Ectodomain Ligand Binding. 15th International Conference On Bioinformatics (InCOB 2016), 21th to 23rd of September, 2016, Singapore.

Conference papers:

Sarafan L, Yaghoubi-Avini M, Ebrahimipour G, Azimzadeh Irani M. “Towards enhancing L-Asparaginase stability by computational-structural modeling”, The 11th National Conference and the 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics of Iran, 2023.

Hamedi A, Jahanfar M, Farrokhi N, Azimzadeh Irani M, “In-silico emplacement of curcumin on higher-order assemblies of cellulose nanofibers”, The 11th National Conference and the 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics of Iran, 2023.

Goodarz N, Javanmard A, Jahanfar M, Azimzadeh Irani M. “The Molecular Modeling of Vitamin E Arrangement on Fibrous Cellulose Superstructures”, The 11th National Conference and the 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics of Iran, 2023.

S.M.H Haghayeghi, H. Askari, M. Azimzadeh Irani, “Molecular Modeling of Nannochloropsis gaditana Cellulose Synthase”, 17th National and 2nd International Conference of Iranian Biophysical Chemistry 6-7 Sep, 2022 University of Guilan.

M. Assadizadeh, M. Azimzadeh Irani, “Structural Arrangement Of SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 Oligomers”, 8th Iranian Congress of Virology, 2022.

S.Z. Masoomi, S.M. Hosseini, M. Azimzadeh Irani, “Function of lectins in the efficiency of ferritin nanoparticle vaccines”, The 10th National Bioinformatics and first international conference of Iran, Kish Island, Tehran University, 2022.

M. Bagherifar, M, Yaghoobi, S.M. Hosseini, M. Azimzadeh Irani, “ORF 8: Promising Target Protein for COVID 19 Treatment”, The 10th National Bioinformatics and first international conference of Iran, Yazd University, 2021.

S.Z. Masoomi, M. Azimzadeh Irani, S.M. Hosseini, “Molecular Modeling of Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 RBD in Complex with Ferritin Nanoparticle”, In The International Human Genetics and Genomics Conference, Yazd University, 2021.

S. Ghoreishi, M. Azimzadeh Irani, H. Askari, “Structural Analysis of the Globins Binding Sites”, In The 1st International Conference on Biotechnology and Global Development, 2021.

M. Azimzadeh Irani, “Does cellular glycation in diabetic patients interfere with the N-glycosylation of the transmembrane proteins?”, In 2 International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies Biological Sciences, 2021.

N. Jamshidi, M. Azimzadeh Irani, M. Ejtehadi, “Glycosylation Contribution to the Stability of IL-1RII Structure”, 2021.

N. Jamshidi, M. Azimzadeh Irani, M. Ejtehadi, “Elucidating the Roles of lL-1Rll in the Regulation of Human Immune System”, In Ninth Iranian conference on bioinformatics, 2020.

Shahsavari M, Azimzadeh Irani M, Motamedi Z and Rajabi Maham H (2019): Modeling of ErbB4-ErbB1 heterodimer; from crystals to cancer therapy. 4th international student Biotechnology congress, Tehran, Iran.

Motamedi Z, Azimzadeh Irani M, Shahsavari M and Rajabi Maham H (2019): Unraveling the Structural Role of Glycosylation in Regulation of EGFR-ErbB2 Heterodimers. 8th Bioinformatics Conference of Iran, Zabol, Iran.

Azimzadeh Irani M and Rjtehadi M R (2019): Binding Mechanism of Glycosaminoglycans to Glycosylated Interleukin 1 Receptor Type I. 8th Bioinformatics Conference of Iran, Zabol, Iran.

Azimzadeh Irani M, Verma C (2016): N-glycosylation Modulates the Tethered-extended Equilibrium of the Extracellular Domain of EGFR. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society for Glycobiology, November 19-22, 2016 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Azimzadeh Irani M, Verma C (2016): Role of N-glycosylation on EGFR Ectodomain Ligand Binding. 15th International Conference On BioInformatics (InCOB 2016), 21th to 23rd of September, 2016.

Azimzadeh Irani M, Verma C (2015): Glycosylation of EGFR Extracellular Domain Induces Receptor Stability. the 29th Annual Symposium of The Protein Society, 22-25 July 2015.

Azimzadeh Irani M, Kaviani E and Rajabi-Maham H (2012): Phylogeography and Phylogeny of Iranian Tat Tribe. 4th Iranian conference of Bioinformatics, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Iran.

Kaviani E, Azimzadeh Irani M and Rajabi-Maham H. (2012): Iranian Tat Tribe Haplogroup Diversity According to Micro Satellite Markers on X & Y chromosomes. 5th International Iranian Biology conference, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.

Azimzadeh Irani M (2012): Phylogeographic and Phylogenetic Relationship in Subtypes of Influenza A Virus. International Conference Molecular Ecology, Vienna, Austria, 4-7 Feb 2012.

PhD thesis:

Azimzadeh Irani, M. (2017). Role of glycosylation in EGFR ectodomain interactions: a molecular dynamics study. Doctoral thesis, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.