Return to Physics 4


Final Exam
   Here is your marks. 
Review session for final exam to see your exam sheet:
   Date: Tuesday and Wednesday 5th and 6th of Tir 1397
   Time: 13:30 - 14:30
   Place: my office
   Here is your marks for all exercise sheets you have handed in. 
Suggested exercises:
   You can find the suggested exercises for chapter 12 in sheet 8   
   Write your essay with your favorite program and your chosen language (Farsi or English). 
   Send it to my university email account in pdf format. Please attach the original paper too. 
   You do not have to present it anymore.  
   Date: Wednesday 9th of Khordad 1397
   Time: before 23:59
   The essays I get after this date will NOT be considered.    
   Here is your marks for the first 6 exercise sheets you have handed in. 
Midterm Exam
   Here is your marks and its histogram! 
   In the histogram the marks are scaled to 20.
Review session for midterm exam:
   Date: Sunday 9th of Ordibehesht 1397
   Time: 12:30 - 13:30
   Place: my office
   A tutorial before the midterm exam takes place: 
   Date: Sunday 26th of Farvardin 1397
   Time: 12:30 - 13:30
   Place: Classroom 5
Midterm exam
   Date: Wednesday 29th of Farvardin 1397
   Time: 12:30
   Place: Classroom 3, Physics department
   Topics: “Special Relativity” and “The Particle-like Properties of Electromagnetic Radiation” 
           (chapters 1-3 of Book by Krane and my lecture notes)