Amir Ali Nojoumian is an associate professor of English Literature and Critical Theory at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. He completed his MA and PhD studies in the UK at Leicester University during the 1990s. His doctorate focused on the philosophy of literature through readings of Jacques Derrida on literature and theology. He has published a number of books and articles in Persian and English on literary theory and interdiscplinary studies. His recent publications in Persian include Signs at the Threshold: Essays in Semiotics (Nashre Now, 2016) and Semiotics: A Reader (Morvarid, 2017). Dr. Nojoumian’s research interests are semiotics and narratives of cinema, philosophy of literature, modernist and postmodernist literature, deconstruction and poststructuralism, teaching literature, comparative criticism, diaspora theory, and children’s literature. Dr. Nojoumian is also a member of an interdiscplinary research group called the “Tehran Semiotics Circle”.