
1. The Internal Ideal Lattice in the Topos of M-sets, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, 7th Algebra Seminar, Hamedan, Booalisina Univ., Iran, 1992.

2. The Minimal Completion of Boolean Algebras in MSet, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, 24th Annual Iranian Math. Conf., Shahid Beheshti Univ., Iran, 1993.

3. When is the Category of Separated M-sets a Quasitopos or a Topos?, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, 26th Annual Iranian Math. Conf. Kerman, Shahid Bahonar Univ., Iran, 1995.

4. Conditions Related to De Morgan’s Laws in MSet, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, 26th Annual Iranian Math. Conf., Kerman, Shahid Bahonar Univ., Iran, 1995.

5. Purity of Projection Algebras, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and Mojgan Mahmoudi, 9th Algebra Seminar, Babolsar, Mazandaran Univ., Iran, 1997.

6. Equational Compactness of Projection Algebras, Mojgan Mahmoudi and M. Mehdi Ebrahimi, 10th Algebra Seminar, Sanandaj, Kordestan Univ., Iran, 1998.

7. Equational compact Hulls of Projection Algebras, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and Mojgan Mahmoudi, 10th Algebra Seminar, Sanandaj, Kordestan Univ., Iran, 1998.

8. The Frame of Real Numbers, Mojgan Mahmoudi and Mojgan Vojdani Tabatabaie, 10th Algebra Seminar, Sanandaj, Kordestan Univ., 1998.

9. Category of M-algebras with Internal Homomorphisms, M. Mahmoudi and M. Mehdi Ebrahimi, 30th Iranian Math. Conf., Ardebil, Univ. of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Iran, 1999.

10. Flat Projection Algebras, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, 11th Algebra Seminar, Isfahan, Isfahan Univ. of Technology, Iran, 1999.

11. Congruences and the Fundamental Relation for Hyper-Algebras, A. Karimi and M. Mahmoudi, 11th Algebra Seminar, Isfahan, Isfahan Univ. of Technology, 1999.

12. Pointset and Pointfree Topology, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, First Seminar on Geometry and Topology, Tabriz, Iran, 2000.

13. Compact and Regular Pointfree Topology, Mojgan Mahmoudi, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi, First Seminar on Geometry and Topology, Tabriz, Iran, 2000.

14. Internal Injectivity of M-algebras, Mojgan Mahmoudi, The First Conf. of Women and Math. in Iran, Az-Zahra Univ, Tehran, 2000.

15. Tensor Products and Flatness of M-algebras, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, 12th Algebra Seminar, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran, 2000.

16. Ideal Closure Operators of M-sets, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, 13th Algebra Seminar, Auromia Univ. Auromia, Iran, 2001.

17. Limits and Colimits of Hyperalgebras, A. Karimi and M. Mahmoudi, 13th Algebra Seminar, Auromia Univ. Auromia, Iran, 2001.

18. On Injectivity of Projection Algebras, Ebrahimi, M. Mehdi and Mahmoudi, M., 13th Algebra Seminar, Auromia Univ. Auromia, Iran, 2001.

19. Metric sigma-Frames versus Metric Lindelof Spaces, M. Mahmoudi, M. Vojdani Tabatabaee, International Conf. on Applicable General Topology, Hacettepe Univ., Turkey, 2001.

20. On Quotient and Isomorphism Theorems of Hyperalgebras, A. Karimi and M. Mahmoudi, 32th Annual Iranian Math. Conf, Mazandaran Univ, Babolsar, Iran, 2001.

21. On the Normal Completion of Boolean Algebras in a Topos, M. Mahmoudi, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi, 32th Annual Iranian Math. Conf, Mazandaran Univ, Babolsar, Iran, 2001.

22. Pointfree Topology and the Spectra of Riesz Spaces, M.M. Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi and A.Karimi, Second workshop on Formal Topoogy, Venice, Italy, April 2002.

23. Separation axioms on projection spaces, M. Mahmoudi, 2nd Seminar on Geometry and Topology, Amir Kabir Univ., Iran, 2002.

24. On Injectivity of Projection Algebras, M. Mahmoudi, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi, Internationl Conf. on Algebra, Modules and Rings, Univ. of Lisboa, Lisboa, July 2003.

25. Baer Criterion and injectivity Projection Algebras, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi, M. Mahmoudi, 34th Annual Iranian Math. Conf, Shahroud Univ., Shahroud, Iran, 2003.

26. Algebraic separation axioms on projection algebras, M. Mahmoudi, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi, 34th Annual Iranian Math. Conf, Shahroud Univ., Shahroud, Iran, 2003.

27. Completion of M-boolean algebras, M. Mahmoudi, International Algebraic Conference, Moscow State Univ., Russia, May 2004.

28. Subdirectly Irreducible Projection Algebras, Mahmoudi, M. and Moghaddasi A., Gh., International Algebraic Conference, Moscow State Univ., Russia, May 2004.

29. Cauchy completeness of k-frames, Proceedings of the 3rd Seminar on Geometry and Topology, 271-283, Azarb. Univ. Tarbiat Moallem, Tabriz, 2004.

30. Uniform completion of k-frames, Proceedings of the 3rd Seminar on Geometry and Topology, 253-270, Azarb. Univ. Tarbiat Moallem, Tabriz, 2004.

31. Flatness and flat cover of acts over a monoid, Mojgan Mahmoudi, 17th Algebra Seminar, Sistan-Baluchestan Univ., Zahedan, Iran, Feb. 2006.

32. Characterizing semigroups by sequentially dense injective acts, mojgan Mahmoudi and Leila Shahbaz, 17th Algebra Seminar, Sistan-Baluchestan Univ., Zahedan, Iran, Feb. 2006.

33. Injective hulls of acts over left zero semigroups, M.M. Ebrahimi, M. Mahmoudi and Gh. Moghaddasi Angizan, 17th Algebra Seminar, Sistan-Baluchestan Univ., Zahedan, Iran, Feb. 2006.

34. Universality of coproducts in categories of lax algebras, Mojgan Mahmoudi, Christoph Schubert, Walter Tholen, 37th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Azarbaijan Tarbiat Moallem University, Tabriz, Iran, Sept. 2006.

35. Some Categorical Properties of S-posets, Sydney Bulman-Fleming, Mojgan Mahmoudi, 22nd young algebraist conference, Austria, Klagenfurt Univ., Feb. 2007.

36. On dense injectivity of acts over a semigroup, Mojgan Mahmoudi and Leila Shahbaz, 22nd young algebraist conference, Austria, Klagenfurt Univ., Feb. 2007.

37. Covers of cyclic acts, M. Mahmoudi, J. Renshaw, Conference on semigroups, acts, and categories with applications to graphs, Univ. of Tartu, Estonia, June 2007.

38. Category of M-algebras and internal homomorphisms, M. Mahmoudi, and M.M. Ebrahimi,  Categorical Methods in Algebra, topology and computer science, Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal, Oct. 2008.

39. Injectivity in a Category: Well Behaviour Theorems, M.M. Ebrahimi, M. Haddadi, M. Mahmoudi, Categorical Methods in Algebra, topology and computer science, Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal, Oct. 2007.

40. Isomorphism Theorems of Universal Hyperalgebras, M.M. Ebrahimi, A. Karimi, M. Mahmoudi, 1st workshop on hyperalgebras and fuzzy systems, Babolsar, 2007.

41. Frame and Fuzy Frame, M. Mahmoudi, 2nd workshop on hyperalgebras and fuzzy systems, Babolsar, 2008.

42. Introduction to Sheaf Theory, M. Mahmoudi, 3rd workshop on hyperalgebras and fuzzy systems, Babolsar, 2009.

43. Purity of acts over sheaves of groups, M.M. Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, The second conference on group theory, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 2009.

44. Conditions equivalent to De Morgan’s law for M-sets, M.M. Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, International conference on mathematical applications in engineering, International Islamic University, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 2010.

45. Banaschewski condition on S-posets, M.M. Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, H. Rasouli, BB Fest, University of Cape Town, March 2011.

46. A survey on algebras and coalgebras, M. Mahmoudi, National Symposium on Mathematics and its Applications, Malayer University, 1391.

47. Introduction to Category Theory and its Applications, M. Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, Category Theory Workshop, Shahid Beheshti University, 1391.

48. Characterizing po-monoids S by completeness and injectivity of S-posets, M. Ebrahimi, M. Mahmoudi, H. Rasouli, Weekly Algebra Seminar,  University of Warsaw, Oct. 2013.

49. Synthetic domain theory in N-sets, A. Jung, M. Mahmoudi, Weekly Mathmatics Seminars, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, 2014.

50. Free and cofree acts of dcpo-monoids on directed complete Posets, M. Mahmoudi, H. Moghbeli, Category Theory 2014, University of Cambridge, June 2014.

51. Injectivity of ordered and naturally ordered projection algebra, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, 45th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Semnan, August 2014.