- On injectivity of projection and separated projection algebras, M.M. Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, Italian journal of pure and applied mathematics, 29 (2012), 43-54.
- Equational compactness of G-sheaves, Ebrahimi, Haddadi, Mahmoudi, Communications in Algebra 40(2) (2012), 666-680.
- Bivariations and tensor products, M.M. Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, A2 (2011), 117-124.
- Characterizing pomonids by complete S-posets, Ebrahimi, Mahmoudi, Rasouli, Cah. Topol. Geom. Differ. Categ. LI-4 (2010), no. 2, 272-281.
- Category of M-algebras and internal homomorphisms, M.M. Ebrahimi, and M. Mahmoudi, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3(2) (2010), 307-322.
- Banaschewski's Theorem for S-posets: Regular injectivity and Completeness, Ebrahimi, Mahmoudi, Rasouli, Semigroup Forum 80(2) (2010), 313-324.
- Essentiality and injectivity relative to sequential purity of acts, Barzegar, M. M. Ebrahimi, M. Mahmoudi, Semigroup Forum 79 (2009), 128-144.
- Essentiality and Injectivity, H. Barzegar, M.M. Ebrahimi, M. Mahmoudi Applied Categorical Structures, 18 (2010), 73-83
- Proper behaviour of sequential injectivity of acts over semigroups, M.M. Ebrahimi, M. Mahmoudi and Leila Shahbaz, Communications in Algebra, , 37 (2009), 2511-2521.
- Pointfree Spectra of l-modules, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and A. Karimi, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 208 (2007), 53-60.
- Variations and tensor products of M-acts, M.M. Ebrahimi, Semigroup Forum 75(2) (2007), 446-456.
- On the Baer criterion for acts over semigroups, M.M. Ebrahimi, M. Mahmoudi and G. Moghaddasi Angizan, Communication in Algebra 35 (2007), 3912-3918.
- Injective hulls of acts over left zero semigroups, M.M. Ebrahimi, M. Mahmoudi and Gh. Moghaddasi Angizan, Semigroup Forum 75(1) (2007), 212-220.
- Pointfree version of Kakutani Duality, Karimi Feizabadi, A., M.M. Ebrahimi, Order 22(3) (2006), 241--256.
- Coproduct in the Category of M?Frm, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and Mojgan Vojdani Tabatabaee (Golzy), Applied Categorical Structures 13(2) (2005), 171-179.
- Baer Criterion for injectivity of projection algebras, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, Semigroup Forum 71 (2005), no. 2, 332-335.
- Algebraic separation axioms on projection algebras, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics. 29 (2005), no. 4, 689-695.
- Limits and Colimits in Categories of Universal Hyperalgebras, M. Mehdi Ebrahimi and A. Karimi and M. Mahmoudi, Algebras, Groups, and Geometries, Vol. 22 (2005), 169-182.