Through many years of hard work and dedication, Zohair Siamian Gorji has established a strong background in academia and an admirable reputation with students and colleagues alike. Each experience has contributed to forming their published work, teaching approach and contribution to the field. Learn more about their background below.
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1. Educational records:
- Bachelor of Science: History (1380-84)
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad – Mashhad, Iran
Top Undergraduate History Student of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Bachelor Grade: 17.40 (First Rank)
- Master of Science: History of Islam (1384-87)
University of Tehran – Tehran, Iran
Master Grade: 17.31
Thesis title: “Seyed Hossein Nasr’s Understanding of Islam’s History and Studying its results from a Traditionalist Perspective”
Thesis Grade: 19 (Prefect)
- Ph. D.: History of Islam (1387-91)
University of Tehran – Tehran, Iran
Ph. D. Grade: 17.72 (First Rank)
Ph. D. thesis title: “Succession in the Abbasid Caliphate from the Beginning to the Buyid dynasty Conquest of Baghdad: The Relation of construction of power and political culture”
Ph. D. thesis Grade: Prefect
- Elected for the first post-doctoral degree in the History of the Elite Foundation and the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies in the 1391 to Professor Sadeq Aeneh Vand’s Academic Position.
Post-doctoral thesis: “Representation ancient History of Iran in Islamic Historiography’s texts: Past Issue and past Representation in the al-Aẖbār al-ṭiwāl of Abu Hanifa Dinawari”
2. Fields of study and Research interest
Social History and Cultural History of first Islamic Society – Social, Cultural and Intellectual History of Islamic Societies in the Contemporary Islamic World – Islamic studies in the West – Islamic Historiography studies – Methodology of History – History Teaching and Philosophy of history science.
3. Publication
Scientific – research Articles
“Al- Bada’ and Al- Tarikh; the Deep Narrative/ Interpretation from mental and social texture of Islamic Society in 4th century AH”, Journal of Historicism and Historiography of AL-Zahra University.
“Challenging the rationalist reading of Persian-Islamic Historiographic works, Applying the summery interpretation to the Re-reading of Al- Bada’ and Al- Tarikh”, Journal of Iranian Islamic Period History of Tabriz University.
“Discourse Analysis of Shi’i Hadith Heritage: Basics and results of Basâ’ir al-darajât of al-Saffâr al-Qummî”, Journal of Historical Studies of Islam.
“The Place of Fatima Zahra in Shi’i Culture base on typology of Traditions and hadiths in the 4th to 6th AH Historical texts”, Journal of Prophetic Biography Studies.
“Laugh in Humor Genre and Socio-Cultural History of Iran in Medieval Times”, Journal of Social History researches of Iranian Society of History.
“Satirists and the methods of satirism in Iran during Seljuk era”, Journal of Cultural History Studies of Iranian Society of History.
“Critical Investigation of Representation of Ibn al-Muqaffa in Nationalistic Historiography Narrative of Pahlavi era”, Journal of Cultural History Studies of Iranian Society of History.
“Necessity of Interdisciplinary Interaction of Epistemology and History Science in Review of Skeptical Challenging about possibility and Credit of Historical recognition”, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities.
“Methodological Ideas for detection of Schematic Interpretation of early Islamic Era Historian”, Quarterly Research Journal of Islamic History.
“The Analysis of the Pattern of Elite’s Action in the Conflict of Al-Amin and Al-Ma’mun”, Journal of Cultural History Studies of Iranian Society of History.
“Political History to Politics of History: Critical Investigation of Representation of Buyids era evolutions in the Academic Books”, Academic research and writing Books.
“Political Narrative till Moral narrative in Islamic historiography: the case proof: The Story of Barmakids and Harun al-Rashid in the Tarikh al-Tabari”, Journal of Cultural History Studies of Iranian Society of History.
“The Pattern of Narrative in Islamic Historiography, Representation of Al-Amin Personality in the al-Aẖbār al-ṭiwāl of Abu Hanifa Dinawari”, Journal of History sciences studies of University of Tehran.
“Genealogy of Cultural Iran in Islamic-Persian Historiography until Timurid era”, Journal of Historical Studies of Islam.
“The Crusher of Heresy and the Symbol of Justice: Anushirvan in Islamic Historiography”, Journal of Historical Studies of Islam.
“Political philosophy of Iranshahri in Islamic Historiography: the case proof: Al-Masudi’s Works”, Journal of Historical Studies of Islam.
“Islamic Historiography in the Ahl-e-hadith narrative: the case proof: Ibn-e-Khayat’s History”, Journal of Historical Studies of Islam.
“Investigation of history of Architectural Monument in the Razavi shrine: the case proof: Sanjari Inscription”, Journal of Historical Studies of Islam.
“The Narrative of Peoples by Elite: Critical Investigation of Representation of peoples in Socio-cultural and political narrative of Islamic History of Iran”, Journal of History of Iran.
“Past in the Fantasy: Socio-Cultural Interpretation from scheduling in historical context contemporary history of Iran”, Journal of Iranian Islamic Period History of Tabriz University.
“The Place of Assemblies of Hadith in in shaping to Socio-Cultural norms of first Islamic society: Base on the Hadiths Attributable to Ā’ishah in the Al-Sihah al-Sittah”, Journal of Historical Studies of Islam.
“Theoretical Schema about issue of usage of Historical Researches”, Journal of History of Islam and Iran.
“Contextual approach of recognition of interpretative schema of Persian-Islamic historian in the early centuries of Islam”, Journal of Iranian Islamic Period History of Tabriz University.
“Foundations of interpretative schema of Abu Hanifa Dinawari from decline of Abbasid caliphate in al-Aẖbār al-ṭiwāl”, Journal of Historical Studies of Islam.
“The Rise of Moyedieh dynasty in Khorasan during late Interregnum period of Seljuk era”, Journal of History of Islam and Iran.
“The Cosmological Foundations of Iranshahri’s Political Thought with an Emphasis on Zoroastrian Resources”, Journal of Cultural History Studies.
“Author as Actor: Representation of Khorasan and Khorasanian People from Tarikh-i Tabari to the Tarikh-i Bal’ami”
“Time and Society: Hijri calendar and socio-cultural background of early century of Islamic society”
“Father in the shade of the son: Representation of Khwarazshah in historical memory of Iranian People On the horizon of the new historiography”
“History and Foundations of Evolution of Periodization of History of Iran in contemporary historiography”
“History of Charity: an example of General Islamic history of Iran in Timurid era”, Journal of Ayeneh Miras.
“The Ratio of history, Identity and security: improvement social security with renarrative of history”, Journal of history studies of Police.
“living of Sufis from 5th until 8th century AH”, Journal of socio-economic studies.
“Retrieve of foundation of critical historiography in the Thought of Al-Masudi”, Journal of Book of history and geography.
“Clash of narrative and reality in historiography”, Journal of Book of history and geography.
Translation of
“Medieval Arabic Historiography: Authors as Actors”
Medieval Arabic Historiography is concerned with social contexts and narrative structures of pre-modern Islamic historiography written in Arabic in seventh and thirteenth-century Syria and Eygpt. Taking up recent theoretical reflections on historical writing in the European Middle Ages, this extraordinary study combines approaches drawn from social sciences and literary studies, with a particular focus on two well-known texts: Abu Shama’s The Book of the Two Gardens, and Ibn Wasil’s The Dissipater of Anxieties. These texts describe events during the life of the sultans Nur-al-Din and Salah al-Din, who are primarily known in modern times as the champions of the anti-Crusade movement. Hirschler shows that these two authors were active interpreters of their society and has considerable room for manoeuvre in both their social environment and the shaping of their texts.
Translation of “Medieval Arabic Historiography: Authors as Actors” Book by Konrad Hirschler.
Compilation of “Narrative of Islamic history of Iran from the perspective of cultural history” Book. (Publishing …)
Compilation of “New solution on Historiography of Abbasid caliphate: renarrative of history as political philosophy” Book. (Publishing …)
Compilation of “Seyed Hossein Nasr: exegete of Islamic Traditionalism” Book. (Publishing …)
Compilation of “Economical biography of Prophet of Islam” Book.
Contribution to Compilation of one chapters of “Research of Tabari; Thinking of Tabari, Iranian genius” with title of “Rethink in heritages of early Islamic historiography: interpretative schema of Tabari in Representation of Abbasid caliphate from Al-Harun al-Rashid to Al-Ma’mun in the Tārīkh al-Rusul wa al-Mulūk”
Encyclopaedia of Islamica:
“Ibad ibn Ziyad ibn Abi Sufyan” – “Expedition of Dhu Qarad” – “al-Fadl ibn Sahl ibn Zadhanfarukh al-Sarakhsi” – “Abdullah al-Maʾmūn abassi” – “Alī ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī al-Masʿūdī” – “Arab–Byzantine wars”
Encyclopaedia of Astan Quds Razavi:
“Ahmad Sanjar” – “Muhammad II of Khwarezm” – “Mirza Hosein Khan Moshir od-Dowleh Sepahsalar” – “Snjari Tiles” – “Saray e Amin” – “Saray e Sultan” – “Timcheh and Seray e Haram” – “al-Fadl ibn Sahl ibn Zadhanfarukh al-Sarakhsi”
Encyclopaedia of the world of Islam:
“Khazim ibn Khuzayma al-Tamimi” – “Humayd ibn Qahtaba”
Critical Articles:
8 Critical Articles in Journal of Book of history and geography:
“Iran in Great game” – “Iranian Intellectuals: narrative of frustration and disappointment” – “Introduction to Islamic jurisprudence” – “History of political thoughts in Qajar era” – “Research Methodology in historiology” – “Power, Politics and Religion in Iran in the Timurid era” – “Institution of Succession in Umayyad Caliphate and early Abbasid Caliphate” – “The history of transformation of Government in Islam”