Curriculum Vitae
Soheila Shahshahani, PhD
Associate Professor
Shahid Beheshti University
Address: P. O. Box 19585-193
Tehran, Iran
Tel & Fax: 0098 21 2254 7465
Office: 0098 21 2990 2475
2012-07 – Associate professor, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran.
2011-08 Senior Vice-President of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES).
2011-09- Chair and founder of Commission on Anthropology of the Middle East of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.
2011 Visiting Professor of China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China.
2011 Visiting Scholar at CNRS, Mondes Iranien et Indien, Paris, France.
2008-03 Vice-President of the (IUAES).
2010-08 Co-editor of International Social Science Council (ISSC), Unesco, for World Social Science Report (WSSR 2010).
2011-08 Chair of Research Group “Cultural Anthropology of Iran” at Shahid Beheshti University.
2009-07 Chairperson of the Commission Anthropological Dimensions of Global Change of the IUAES.
2006-1991 Assistant professor, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran.
2011- 2005 Founder & Editor of journal Anthropology of the Middle East, Berghahn Publishers, Oxford.
2011-2005 Founder & Editor in chief of journal Culture and Human Being, Tehran, Iran
2005 Organizer of international conference, “Cities of Pilgrimage & Response of
Cities of Central Asia to Globalization”, December 19-21, Tehran, Iran.
2002-2001 Editor of journal Anthropology, Iran University Press, Tehran, Iran.
2002 Chairperson of Commission Symposia: “Body as a Medium of Meaning” in International Congress of IUAES, The Human Body in Anthropological Perspectives, September 22-27, Tokyo, Japan.
2002 Co-Coordinator of IUAES Conference, “Urban Encounters between Nomadic and Sedentary people” held in Moscow, June 8-12.
2001 Coordinator of International Conference: “Examples of Cultural Exchange between Iran and other Civilization” in Tehran, March 5th, under the auspecies of the International Center of Dialogue Among Civilization, Iranian Association of Sociology, Shahid Beheshti University.
1987-84 Assistant professor, the Department of Fine Arts, University of Tehran.
1985-81 Associe a l’equipe l’iran Contemporain (groupe inter-disciplinaire: economie, georaphie, sociologie, ethnologie) de C.N.R.S., Paris.
1981-80 Journalist a Tehran, Section Sociale, travail en equipe: recherché, traduction, redaction.
1979-77 Fieldwork in preparation of thesis in south-west Iran, and on women during the Revolution.
1973-72 Assistant to the Foreign Student Advisor, the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research.
1991-1990 SFE (Se Former en Enterprise) dans la societe Emergence societe marketing publicitaire, tres qualitative, internationale.
IFOP (Institut Francaise d’Opinion publique) Documentation: Le point de l’Opinion publique Francaise 1956-91.
Stage Organization, Relations Commerciales et Gestion de l’Entreprise, a l’Institut d’Etude et de Development pour l’Education Permanente.
1989 Stage au Musee de l’Homme, Departement Asie.
1981 Ph.D. in Anthropology, Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research, New York.
1974 M. A. in Anthropology, Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research.
1969 B. A. in philosophy, University of California, Berkeley.
2008 Oral Culture: Lori Mamasani, Addendum to Culture and Human Being to Vol 4, No. 1, Spring and Summer.
2005 Meimand, We were one people, one territory, An ethnographic study of a grotto-village, Kermanology Center, Iran.
2004 Examples of Cultural Exchange between Iran and other civilizations: Anthropology articles, (editor), Sales Publisher, Tehran, Iran
1995 A Pictorial History of Iranian Headdresses, Modabber co., Tehran.
1995 A Bibliography of Iranian Women in Social Science, Humanities and Arts, Modabber co., Tehran.
1987 The Four Seasons of the Sun: An Ethnography of Women of Oyun, A Sedentarized Village of the Mamasani Pastoral Nomads of Iran. Tus, Tehran.
2010-1979 Many articles.
2010 MORI, Shigeo, ed. Iran to Isuramu: Bunka to Dentoh wo Shiru (Iran and Islam: To Know Its Culture and Tradition), “Teheran no Sutorito Fasshon (Street Fashion in Tehran)”, pp.163-192.Yokohama: Shunpusha,.
2009 “Iranian Anthropologists are Women” in Nadjmabadi, S. (editor) Conceptualizing Iranian Anthropology, Routledge, London.
2009 (editor) Cities of Pilgrimage Lit-Verlag, Munster, Germany.
2009 “Globalization, Anthropological Perspectives: Iran, Globalization and Violence”
Journal des anthropologies, Association Francaise des Anthropologues118-119.
2008 “The Connectedness of Iranian History and Pastoral Nomadic Way of Life” in Dialogue Between Cultures and Civilizations: Present State and Perspectives of n Nomadism in a Globalizing World, Admon Printing Press, Ulaanbaatar.
2006 “Pedestrians in Tehran Mega-City” in Global Bioethics, Volume 19, Firenza University.
2005 “Tehran: a mega-city built without a vision” in Peter J.M. Nas (editor)
Directors of Urban Change in Asia, Routledge, London.
“The Panorama of Iranian Food: Culture and Health” in Researcher, The Jackson University Researcher, Vol XX, No. 3, Fall/Winter.
2004 Body as Medium of Meaning (editor) IUAES-Series, Lit Verlag. Munster, Germany. “Body as means of non-verbal communication in Iran” in Body as Medium of Meaning.
2003 Guest Editor of Nomadic People. Special Issue on Iran, Vol. 7. No. 2. “The Mamassani of Iran: at the Juncture of Two Modes of Production” And two interviews in Nomadic Peoples, Vol. 7. No. 2.
2003 “The Differential Use of Emotional Space in Iranian Culture” in Benzing, Brigitta & B. Herrmann (Eds.) Exploitation and Overexploitation in Societies Past and Present, IUAES Series, Lit Verlag, Munster, Germany.
2002 “To cross of not to cross the boundaries in small multi-ethnic area of the city of Tehran” in Urban Ethnic Encounter, The spatial consequences, edited by Erdentug, Aygen and F. Colombijn, Routledge, London & New York.
“Acts of worship”, “Ceremonies”, “Nowruz”, in The Splendour of Iran, volum 3, Booth-Clibborn, London 2001.
2002 “Ambiguity in Law and the Marginalization of Sedentarised Nomads of the Southern Zagros Mountains of Iran” in Nomadic Peoples Volume 4, No. 1, Berghahn Journals, U.K.
1999 “Tehran 1998: Iran, Islam and Modernity” in Urban Symbolism and Rituals ed. By Bozidar Jezernik, Zupanjceva Knjiznica, Ljublijana.
1999 “Ethnicity and Identity: Preliminary Study of Varâmeen” in Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies, Volume 4. edited by Behera, D. K. & G. Pfeffer, Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi, India.
1998 “Esfahan’s Gardens and Mosques: On the Instrumentality of Symbols as a means of Retaining Urban Identity” in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol 22, Number 4, Blackwell Publishers, UK.
1998 “The Iranian City of Kashan: Between the Desert and the Mountain” in Toward Sustainable Cities ed. By K. Aoyagi, p. Nas, J. W. Traphagan, Leiden University.
1995 “Tribal Schools of Iran: Sedentarization through Education” in Nomadic Peoples, Number 36/37.
“Tensions between popular, Elite and Industrial Culture in the Iranian City of Kashan” in The City: Today, Yesterday and the day Before, ed. By G. E. Karpinska, University of Lodz, Poland, 1995.
1990 “Women in the Kinship Structure of Iran” in Structures and Strategies, Women, Work and Family, ed. By L. Dube and Palriwala, Sage.
1986 “Mamasani Women: Changes in the Division of labor in women’s work” in Women’s Work, ed. By E. Leacock, H. l. safa, Bergen & Garvey.
1986 “History of Anthropology in Iran” in Iranian Studies, United states.
1986 “Women whisper, Men Kill” in Visibility and power, ed. By L. Dube, E. Leacock & S. Ardener, Oxford.
1984 “Religion, politics and Society: A Historical perspective on Women’s Movement in Iran” in Samya Shakti, India.
1992 “De la Pierre a l’eau, Nouvelles Observations sur les Qanat d’Iran” (traduction partielle) dans Les Eaux Cachees, Etudes Geographiques sur les Galeries Drainantes Souteraines.
- “Critique de la Presse Francaise sur la Femme Iranienne” dans la Vie de la Recherche Scientifique.
2011-1994 IUAES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences): Perth, Australia (2011), Antalya, Turkey (2010), Kunming, China(2009), Organizer of Double Conference: Cities of Pilgrimage & Globalization and Cities of Central Asia, Tehran, Iran (2005), Mega-urbanization, Multi-ethnic society, Human rights and development (Calcutta, India 2004),Humankind/Nature Interaction: Past, Present and Future, Florence, Italy (2003). The Human Body in Anthropological Perspective, Tokyo (2002), Urban Encounters between Nomadic and Sedentary People, Moscow (2002) International Symposium on Urban Anthropology and Commission on Nomadic Peoples, Goettingen (2001), Beijing (2000), Williamsburg (1998). Ljublijana (1997), London (1996), Tokyo (1995), Lodz (1994), Lisbon (1990) (Zagreb, 1998), (Vancouver, 1983) (New Delhi, 1979).
2011 Speech at China Three Gorges University: “Anthropology as a Critical and Relevant Field in Today’s World: Jean-Jacque Rousseau Reconsidered”.
2011 Lecture at Universite de Paris, Sorbonne-Nouvelle “Anthropological Theories of Ethnicity”.
2009 Thirty Years on: The Islamic Republic of Iran, “Claiming our Terrain in Academia” Soas, London
2009 The Urban Poor: Mobilities and Mobilizations, Leiden, the Netherlands.
2008 Co-Organizer of International Conference “La Parente en Iran et dans les pays voisins”, Tehran.
2007 Organizer of International Conference Scientific Workshop: Ethnic Nationalities, Anthropological Theories, Tehran.
2006 Women, War and Learning, April 6-7, University of Toronto, Canada.
2005 Annual Anthropology Department Lecture, Smith College, Northampton, MA,
U.S.A., March 28th: “Being and Doing Anthropology in Iran 1977-2005”
Conditions of Pastoral Mobility II, at Max Planck Institut fur ethnologische Forschung Halle, June 9-10.
2004 International Conference, Dialogue between cultures and civilizations: Present state of nomadism in a globalizing world, August 9-14th, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Iran on the Move, Social Transformation in the Islamic Republic, ISIM, April 27-28, Leiden, the Netherlands.
Anthropological perspectives on Iran: The new millennium and beyond
September 30-October 2nd, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt-Am-Main, Germany.
2002 International workshop Megaurbanization in Asia and Europe: Directors of urban change in a comparative perspective12-14 December , Leiden, the Netherlands.
2002 The Qajar Dress, June 19-21, Leiden, the Netherlands
Center and Periphery, International Conference, April 28-30, under the auspecies of International Center of Dialogue of Civilizations & Farzan Publishing Company, Esfahan, Iran.
2001 International Conference of Dialoque among Nomadic Societies, Dialogue among Civilizations: Interaction between nomadic and other cultures of Central Asia, 15-16 August 2001 in ulanbaatar, Mongolia.
1999 University of Helsinki, Rovaniemi and Oulu, Finland. 6. lectures on Pastoral Nomads of Iran and Iranian Women.
1991 Muslin Women in the Western Europe, paper: “Identity of Iranian Women in Paris” INDRA, University of Amsterdam.
1985 IUAES International Symposium on Women and Household held in New Delhi.
1980 Symposium No. 80 of Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Burg Wartenstein, Austria.
2009 Exhibition entitled “Ethnic Groups of Iran” consisting of 850 photos, at IUAES Congress, Kunming, China, and winner of the best exhibition title.
Photography: pictures taken during fieldwork used in publication, classes and conferences.
Collection of Material Cultures: for personal collection, classes, or for exhibition.