
Group International de Research sur Infinitrsimal – GIRI 36

2023 – USA (online presentation)


Advance and Applicable Workshop on Mass Spectrometry

2023 – Hotel Olympic – Tehran


MSc Biochemistry Student Farm Tour

A sunny day after the end of the Corona quarantine period – 2022


 A group visit of biochemistry students from the Protein Research Center

On January 9, 2022, a group of international biochemistry students attended the research center and, in addition to welcoming them, asked questions during a two-hour tour visit. I hope that soon, with the end of the Corona pandemic limitations, students will be able to go to university and do research.


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Selection of two papers (Ms. Banafshe Khodagholipour and Ms. Faeze Mirzajani) and a keynote lecture on the use of ultra-high diluted compounds as top selected presentations in “Applied Sciences in Agriculture and Natural Resources – Healthy Food from Field to Table” congresses 




WhatsApp Image 2019-10-13 at 5.16.14 PM
MSc Defense of Third Homeopathic Project in Shahid Beheshti University by Mrs Banafshe Khodagholipour


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MSc Defense of Second Homeopathic Project in University of Zanjan by Ms Faeze Mirzajani


MSc Defense of First Homeopathic Project in Shahid Beheshti University by Mrs Maryam Hamedi


Introduction of  Homeopathic Joint Project
and Congress of Homeopathy Application for Plants 
The ceremony of the research project contract, the visit of the Shahid Beheshti University and the seminar on the homeopathy for plants with the supervision of Atlas Peydayesh Institute were held on 3 days (April 18-20, 2018) at; Shahid Beheshti University, National Library and National Botanical Garden.


پایان کارگاه اشعه ایکس-7
Workshop on Protein Crystallography with the collaboration of Prof.  Thierry Prangé, Faculty of pharmacy, University Paris Descartes, France. Fall 2014.


خبر تیم عمان-1
Workshop on Gene Cloning and Protein Purification for visiting students of Nizwa University, Summer 2014.


Join  Scientific Group: “Nanobiotechnology of Shahid Beheshti”




