Mohammad Sherafati

Complex Networks & Social Cognition student  (MSc) 

As a physics student at the Center For Complex Networks & Social Cognition (CCNSC) of SBU, I work on the Social Balance and Balance theory. In my research, I focus on age feature of Networks. For instance, in social Networks, links between people could be changed with time like one of them becomes enemy of others, died, divorce or whatever! We want to investigate the dynamics of age during the time.


Fields of Interest:

  • Complex Systems, Network Science, Machine Learning, Temporal Networks, Neuroscience and of course    Data science!   


  • “Investigate network skeleton in the aged network and applied on the real a social

Evolution of social networks happens simultaneously with the evolution of their links/nodes.
However, it is not easy for some links/nodes to evolve in such a process because of their age.In
any network,especially real networks could exist that they are not happy with some variations.
Understanding stability, aged phase transition, information transformation of social networks are
some of our challenges.

My CV:

Update: 12.8.2022 here.


A summary about spring school on complex systems(Feb 2019), ICTP, Italy. (Here)


  • Lifetime of links influences the evolution towards structural balance, (2020), S.Arabzadeh, M. Sherafati, F. Atyabi, G. R. Jafari, K.Kułakowski, Physica A, Volume 567, 1 April 2021,  DOI:
  •  Hysteresis of economic networks in an XY model, (2018), Ali Hosseiny, Mohammad Sherafati, Mohammadreza Absalan, Mauro Gallegati, Physica A,    Volume 513, 1 January 2019, Pages 644-652   DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2018.08.064

 My schedule semester :

To be Announced soon as possible!

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      1. Complex Systems Studies
      2. Zharfa: