
Feb 2000-Aug 2007 Green Dataware Tehran, Iran
Techincal Manager, Software Development Manager
As the Technical Manager and Software Development Manager, I managed the technical team to develop GreenSigma
as a Total System which as far as I was there, it was successfully deployed in nine governmental organizations,
four contractor companies, two factories and 49 commercial companies. Later a Enterprise Resource Planning
system named GreenERP was developed under my technical supervision.

Sep 2007-Oct 2013 Arman Tasmim Sharif Tehran, Iran
We developed an Enterprise Resource Planning system that was successfully deployed in two factories, ten commercial
companies, one ministry and an organization related to the municipality of Tehran.

Dec 2008-Aug 2009 Ministry of ICT Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
The goal of this project was to introduce the standard for development, evaluation and selection of Enterprise
Resource Planning systems in Islamic Republic of Iran proposed by the ICT ministry.

Dec 2008-Dec 2009 National Iranian Products Distribution Co. Tehran, Iran
Head of Technical Programming Committee

Jun 2009-Feb 2011 Iran Meteorological Organization Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
Functional and non-Functional Testing and Acceptance Testing of IMO information systems.

Jun 2009-Feb 2011 Iran Meteorological Organization Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
The goal of the project was the integration of IMO Information systems.

Jun 2009-Feb 2011 Iran Meteorological Organization Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
Data Migration from IMO legacy systems to its new information systems

Jun 2010-Apr 2011 National Elites Foundation Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
Selection of proper Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) architecture

Nov 2011-Feb 2013 Ports & Marine Organization Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
Maintenance Program of the ICT Master Plan based on the Enterprise Architecture

Jun 2013-Apr 2014 Social Security Organization Tehran, Iran
Project Manager
ICT Master Plan of Social Security Organization.

Aug 2011-Feb 2017 Iranian National Tax Administration Tehran, Iran
Test Manager
I’ve been conducting acceptance testing in the ITS project.

Aug 2013-May 2016 National Iranian Oil Co. Tehran, Iran
Project Manager of the Consultant team
Project manager of the consultant team for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project in the National Iranian
Oil Co.

Apr 2015-Feb 2017 Tehran Municipality ICT Organization Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
IT Master Plan of Tehran Municipality aimed to create the foundations of Smart City of Tehran.

Aug 2015-Oct 2016 Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
In this research project, a learning model for Citizens regarding the use of e-services was presented.

Sep 2016-Aug 2017 Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
In this research project, a model for the connection of e-services of municipality of Tehran to the Information
National Network (NIN) was studied.

Dec 2015-Mar 2016 Law Enforcement Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran Tehran, Iran
Project and Executive Manager
Knowledge transfer in software testing area was the goal pursued in this project.

Dec 2015-Apr 2016 Ministry of Education Tehran, Iran
Technical Manager of consulting team
Our team was the consulting team for the student total system. In this project the RFP, RFQ and the conceptual
architecture was delivered by our team through extensive interviews with all the stakeholders.
Aug 2016- Informatics Services Corporation Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
The design and execution of ABIS performance test is the goal of this project.

Feb 2017- Iran Veterinary Organization Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
The ICT Master Plan of IVO has been under active development since Feb, 2017.

Aug 2017- Day Insurance company Tehran, Iran
Executive and Project Manager
We are starting the performance and security tests of Day Insurance company in the following months.

Jan 2012-Jan 2013 Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran
“A Formal Approach for Program Development Using Object-Z Specification” has been aiming to create another bridge
from the formal specification to the implementation level using an object oriented specification language,
Apr 2010-Apr 2011 Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran
This research program entitled “A Constructive Formal Framework for Probabilistic Programs” was intended to develop
a framework to extract probabilistic programs from their formal specifications.

Aug 2009- Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran
Laboratory Head and Executive Manager
The software test and approval laboratory is amongst the most experienced and advanced active test labs, in both
academic and industrial areas in Iran. This laboratory covers all aspects of software testing (i.e., functional,
non-functional tests). Currently we are have partnerships with other prominent software and security/penetration
test groups and companies.

Jul 2013-May 2016 Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran
VP of E-learning center
I was the VP of e-learning center of Shahid Beheshti Unversity

Jan 2016- Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran
Manager of Innovation and entrepreneurship center

Jun 2009-Jan 2010 Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran
This research program entitled “An Approach for Translation of Web Service Description Language (WSDL) to the
Z formal specification language” was intended to bring the benefits of formal specification to WSDL, making
the specification and verification of WSDL possible.