
Graduate Master Students:
1- 2015-2017: Mostafa Chaman, “Electromagnetic Side Channel Analysis of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems on PCs”.
2- 2015-2017: Nima Mahdion, “RSA and Elgamal Key Extraction via Low-Bandwidth Electromagnetic Cryptanalysis on PCs”. The results of this project have been published in IET Information Security (link).
3- 2016-2019: Parastoo Irani, “Presentation and Implementation of a Power Analysis Attack on BLISS”.
4- 2016-2018: Mohammadreza Sadeghi, “Secure and Efficient Implementation of Block Ciphers Against White-Box Attacks”.
5- 2016-2018: Vahid Meraji, “Identification and Implementation Cache-Based Side-Channel Attacks”. The results of this project have been published in ISC International Journal of Information Security (link).
6- 2017-2019: Ehya Yavari, “Evaluating the Efficiency and Security of Block Cipher Modes in the Encryption of Satellite Images”
7- 2017-2019: Fateme Azizi, “Implementation and Analysis of t-test for Leakage Detection in Side-Channel Attacks”
8- 2017-2019: Milad Seddigh, “Modified Flush+Reload Attack on AES”. The results of this project have been published in ISC International Journal of Information Security (link), Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques (link), and Computer Journal (link).
9- 2018-2020: Sara Zarei, “Efficient Higher-Order DPA-Protected Hardware Implementation of Keccak”. The results of this project have been published in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (link).
10- 2018-2020: Ali Nouri, “Low-Latency Hardware Masking of AES S-Box”.
11- 2019-2021: Amirhossein Saffari, “A Countermeasure Against Fault Injection Analysis Attacks on Block Ciphers”.
12- 2019-2021: Sara Mansouri, “An Improvement Fault Injection Attack on AES Cryptosystem”. The results of this project have been published in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (link).
13- 2020-2022: Ali Asghar Beigizad, “Introducing and Implementing a Novel Fault Analysis Attack”. The results of this project have been published in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (link).
14- 2020-2022: Mohammad Ali Hajisoltani, “A masking scheme for hardware implementation of AES on FPGA”. The results of this project have been published in ISC International Journal of Information Security (link).
15- 2021-2023: Sadegh Borjian, “Proposing a Fault Attack on PHOTON-Beetle Authenticated Encryption Scheme”