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Journal Papers

1- H. Soleimany, K. Nyberg “Zero-Correlation Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round LBlock (Extended Version)”, Journal of Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 73, No. 2, pp. 683-398, 2014
2- H. Soleimany, C. Blondeau, X. Yu, W. Wu, K. Nyberg, H. Zhang, L. Zhang, and Y. Wang. “Reflection Cryptanalysis of PRINCE-like Ciphers (Extended Version)”. Journal of Cryptology, vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 718-744, 2015.
3- H. Soleimany, “Self-similarity Cryptanalysis of the Block Cipher ITUbee”, IET Information Security, vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 179-184, 2015.
4- T. Tiessen, H. Soleimany, C. Rechberger. ” Full Cryptanalysis of Low-Data Instances of LowMCv2″, IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology (ToSC), vol. 2018, No. 3, pp. 163-181, 2018.
5- F. Moazami, A.R. Mehrdad, H. Soleimany. ” Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis on Deoxys-BC-256″, ISC International Journal of Information.Security (ISeCure), vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 93-105, 2018.
6- P. Mahdion, H. Soleimany, P. Habibi, F. Moazami “New single-trace side-channel attacks on a specific class of Elgamal cryptosystem”, IET Information Security, vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 151-156, 2020.
7- C. Dobraunig, F. Moazami, C. Rechberger, H. Soleimany, “Framework for faster key search using related-key higher-order differential properties: applications to Agrasta”, IET Information Security, vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 202-209, 2020.
8- M. Seddigh, H. Soleimany. “Enhanced Flush+Reload Attack on AES”, ISC International Journal of Information Security (ISeCure), vol. 12, No 2, pp. 81-89, 2020.
9- V. Meraji, H. Soleimany. “Evict+Time Attack on Intel CPUs without Explicit Knowledge of Address Offsets”, ISC International Journal of Information Security (ISeCure), vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 19-27, 2021.
10- S. Zarei, A.R. Shahmirzadi, H. Soleimany, R. Salarifard, A. Moradi. “Low-Latency Keccak at any Arbitrary Order”, ACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), pp.388-411, 2021.
11- M. Esfahani, H. Soleimany, M.R. Aref. “Enhanced cache attack on AES applicable on ARM-based devices with new operating systems”, Computer Networks, 198, p.108407, 2021.
12- M. Seddigh, H. Soleimany. “Cross-VM cache attacks on Camellia”, Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, pp.1-9, 2022.
13- H. Soleimany, F. Moazami . “A Generalized Framework for Accelerating Exhaustive Search Utilizing Deterministic Related-key Differential Characteristics”, Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, 18(2), pp.141-146, 2022.
14- H. Soleimany, N. Bagheri and H. Hadipour and P. Ravi and S. Bhasin and S. Mansouri “Practical Multiple Persistent Faults Analysis”, IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES) 2022(1), pp. 367-390, 2022.
15- N. Bagheri, S. Sadeghi, P. Ravi, S. Bhasin, H. Soleimany, “SIPFA: Statistical Ineffective Persistent Faults Analysis on Feistel Ciphers”. IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES) 2022(3), pp. 367-390, 2022.
16- N. Vafaei, S. Zarei, N. Bagheri, M. Eichlseder, R. Primas, H. Soleimany, “Statistical Effective Fault Attacks: The Other Side of the Coin”. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 17, pp. 1855-1867, 2022.
17- M. Hajisoltani, R. Salarifard, H. Soleimany, “Secure and Low-Area Implementation of the AES Using FPGA”, ISC International Journal of Information Security (ISeCure), vol. 14, No 3, pp. 93-99, 2022.
18- M. Seddigh, H. Soleimany. “Flush+ Reload Attacks on SEED”, The Computer Journal, vol. 18, No 2, pp. 91-99 (2022).
19- N. Vafaei, H. Soleimany, N. Bagheri:, “Exploiting statistical effective fault attack in a blind setting”, IET Information Security, vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 639-646, 2023.
20- A. Beigizad, H. Soleimany, S. Zarei, H. Ramzanipour, “Linked Fault Analysis.”. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 19, pp. 632-645, 2024.

Refereed Conference Proceedings Papers

1- H. Soleimany, A. Sharifi and M. Aref “Improved Related-Key Boomerang Cryptanalysis of AES-256” IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA 2010).
2- A. Sharifi, H. Soleimany and M. Aref “9-Round Attack on AES-256 by a 6-round property” IEEE 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2010.
3- H. Soleimany, A. Sharifi and M. Aref “Improved Related-Key Impossible Differential Attacks on 8-Round AES-256” IEEE International Zurich Seminar on Communication, IZS, Zurich, Switzerland, 2010.
4- H. Soleimany, A. Sharifi, B. Bahrak and M. Aref “Cryptanalysis of 7round AES-128” 7th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptography, Tehran, Iran, 2011.
5- H. Soleimany, C. Blondeau, X. Yu, W. Wu, K. Nyberg, H. Zhang, L. Zhang, and Y. Wang. “Reflection Cryptanalysis of PRINCE-like Ciphers”. In Shiho Moriai, editor, 20th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption (FSE 2013), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer.
6- H. Soleimany, K. Nyberg “Zero-Correlation Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round LBlock” International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography WCC 2013.
7- H. Soleimany. “Probabilistic Slide Cryptanalysis and Its Applications to LED-64 and Zorro”. In C. Cid and C. Rechberger, editor, 21st International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption (FSE 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer.
8- C. Boura, A. Chakraborti, G. Leurent, G. Paul, D. Saha, H. Soleimany, V. Suder. “Key Recovery Attack Against 2.5-Round”. In T. Peyrin, editor, 23rd International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption (FSE 2016), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer.