Cryptography Course

About the course:
Cryptology is both an art and a science that focuses on finding ways to keep information secret while also preventing it from being manipulated by malicious parties. Both cryptography and cryptanalysis are under the umbrella of modern cryptology. The goal of cryptography is to provide cryptosystems that can withstand an adversary’s attempts to eavesdrop or alter information. The goal of cryptanalysis, on the other hand, is to judge how safe certain cryptosystems are. The course “Cryptography” serves as an overview of cryptography and its applications. This course is designed to familiarize students with the basic concepts of cryptography. The book “Understanding Cryptography” by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl serves as the primary source for this course.

Advanced Cryptography Course:
I also give the “Advanced Cryptography” course which concentrates entirely on the cryptanalysis.

The comments, suggestions, and criticisms I got from both my colleagues and the students really helped me finish and improve the content of this course. Sara Zarei and Fatemeh Azizi, two of my former students, were especially helpful in preparing and improving these slides. I was able to complete and redefine the lectures with a large amount of aid from Sara Zarei, who also assisted me in correcting the errors that were in the prior edition.

To download the files: Open the links. At the left top, click “File” and “Download” by choosing a file type.

• Lecture 00: Intro. to Cryptography Course. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Video.

• Lecture 01: Intro. to Cryptography Math. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II, Part III).

• Lecture 02: Intro. to Shannon’s Theory of Secrecy. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II).

• Lecture 03: Intro. to Classical Ciphers. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Video.

• Lecture 04: Stream Ciphers. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II, Part III).

• Lecture 05: Block Ciphers. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II).

• Lecture 06: Data Encryption Standard (DES). Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II).

• Lecture 07: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II).

• Lecture 08: Block Cipher Modes of Operations. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Video.

• Lecture 09: Intro. to Public-Key Cryptography. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II).

• Lecture 10: The RSA Cryptosystem. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV).

• Lecture 11: Discrete Logarithms in Cryptography. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II, Part III).

• Lecture 12: Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II).

• Lecture 13: Digital Signatures. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV).

• Lecture 14: Hash Functions. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II, Part III).

• Lecture 15: Message Authentication Codes (MACs). Slides (PPTX, PDF), Video.

• Lecture 16: Key Establishment. Slides (PPTX, PDF), Videos (Part I, Part II).