
  •  “ Voltage Security Margin Enhancement Using Generation Rescheduling and Load Shedding with an Artificial Neural  Network”, International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering” (IJTPE) ISSN 2077-3528- Issue 14,  Volume 5, Number 1, March 2013, (ISC)
  •  “A Conceptual Design Selection Model Considering Conflict  Resolution”, Journal of Engineering Design, Volume 24,      Issue 4, 2013, (ISI)
  • “ Generation rescheduling and load shedding using neural network with assistance of PMU unit’s data in order to increase voltage security margin”, Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol.3, 2012, Canada
  • “ Energy market and reserve market modeling in simultaneous and serial Implementation methods with the aim of reducing electricity costs” ,International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations Computer, Volume 3, 2012, Canada, (ISC)
  • “Transmission network expansion planning based on hybridization model of neural networks and harmony search algorithm”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, Volume 3, 2012, Canada, (ISC)
  • “Representing an intelligent load shedding algorithm with utilization of frequency deviation integration”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review) Volume 2, 2012 Poland, (ISI)
  • “A Novel Method for Network Transmission Pricing Based on Load Following and Correlation Factors”, Iranian Journal for Electrical and Computer Engineering, Spring 2012, Iran, (ISC)
  • “ Bidding Strategy of Generation Companies in Simultaneous Energy and Spinning Reserve Markets”, International Review on Modeling and Simulations, Spring 2012, Italia
  • “A Framework for Transmission Expansion Planning in a Competitive Electricity Market “, International Review of Electrical Engineering, Special Issue, 2011, Italia
  • “ Feasibility Study for replacing Asynchronous Generators with synchronous Generators in Wind-Farm Powers stations”, The International Journal of Modern Engineering, Volume 7, 2010, USA
  • “ Dispatching of active power reserve for higher reliability of restructured power system”, Journal of Communication and Computer, Volume 7, 2010, USA
  • “ Reducing the Undesirable Effects of Wind Farms “, Journal of Communication and Computer Volume 6, 2009, USA
  • “A Model for Economical Load Distribution in Power Networks that include Hybrid Solar Power Plants”, Electric Power System Research, Volume 78 , Nov. 2007, USA, (ISI)
  • “Determining the spinning reserve in power systems by corrected recursive PJM
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  • The Role of Effective Parameters in Automatic Load-Shedding Regarding Deficit of Active Power in a Power System, International Journal of Modern Engineering Volume 7, Number 1, Fall 2006
  • “A Scenario−Based Approach for Transmission Network Expansion Planning by Improved Harmony Search Algorithm”, accepted for publication in IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2013, Japan, (ISI)
  • “ Linearized Formulations for Various States of PMU Placement”, accepted for publication in IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2013, Japan,
  • A Model for Economical Load Distribution in Power Networks that include Hybrid Solar Power Plants, Electric Power System Research (ISI), Volume 78 ISSUE 7 ISSN 0378-7796 2007  (ISI)
  • “Proper sizing and placement of distributed power generation aids the intentional islanding process”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 106, PP. 73-85, 2013.
  • “Optimal Multi-Objective Placement And Sizing of Passive and Active Powerfilters by a Fuzzy-Improved Harmony Search Algorithm”, International Transactions On Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. 23 , 2013.
  • “An Implementation of Improved Harmony Search Algorithm for Scenario-Based Transmission Expansion Planning”, SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 1, PP. 67-82, 2013.
  • “A Multi-Objective Approach To Optimal Placement And Sizing Of Multiple Active Power Filters Using A Music-Inspired Algorithm”, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 22, PP. 189-204, 2014.
  • “A Multi-Objective Decision Approach for Optimal Augmentation And Expansion of Transmission Network”, International Journal Of Control Automation And Systems, Vol. 12, PP. 431-441, 2014.
  • “Generation Maintenance Scheduling for Generation Expansion Planning Using a Multi-Objective Binary Gravitational Search Algorithm”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), Vol. 2, No. 2, PP. 44-55, 2014.