Education is the foundation of the revolution

Education is the foundation of the revolution

On the third day of the introductory course on the issues of the educational system, which was held at Seyed al-Shohda camp in Abali, Jamileh Alamolhoda discussed “the basics of modern education” and “the place of the educational system in the context of Western civilization”.

In these meetings, Jamileh Alamolhoda first explained pre-modern education and introduced the family as the main focus of education in pre-modern societies. Then she investigated the effective factors in the change of education and the process of formation of modern education. She considered the realization of economic goals as an effective factor in the creation of modern education and said: “The goal of modern education, unlike other educational systems, is to educate the labor force to produce and educate consumer-oriented people.”

She further examined the relationship between religion and philosophy and pointed out the affinity between philosophy and religion and its consequences.

Finally, the subject of “the place of the educational system in the context of Western civilization” was discussed by referring to the principle of unity and its contradiction with the school of pluralism. Alamolhoda pointed out that accepting the school of pluralism causes social disintegration, which is also evident in some textbooks.

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