


Journal Papers:

  • The impact of climate change on Quaternary glaciers of Gharaghom Basin in IranTayebeh Akbari Azirani, Hosein Ghorbani
    THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, Vol. 155, pp.1429-1450, 2024

  • Drought analysis in the Lakes of Iran (Case study: Lake Urmia and Gavkhuni Swamp)
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Sustainable Earth Review, Vol. 2, pp.35-47, 2022

  • The sources and quality of Iranian honey”
    Elmira Khansaritore, Salmaki Yasaman, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Henareh Farnood, Alizadeh Kamaleddin, Ramezani Elias , Zarre Shahin, Beckh Gudrun, Behling Hermann
    Heliyon, Vol. 4, 2021

  • Employing DNA metabarcoding to determine the geographical origin of honey
    Elmira Khansari, Yasaman Salmaki, Elias Ramezani, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Alexander Keller, Katrin Neumann, Kamaleddin Alizadeh, Shahin Zarre, Gudrun Beckh , Hermann Behling
    Heliyon, Vol. 6, 2020

    Gholamreza Barati, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Mohammad Moradi, AIESHEH SHAMEKHI
    Desert, Vol. 25, pp.249-259, 2020

  • Seasonal and Annual Segregation of Liquid Water and Ice Clouds in Iran and Their Relation to Geographic Components and Precipitation
    Mahmoud Ahmadi, AbbasAli Dadashiroudbari, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Behnaz Nasiri- Khuzani
    THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, Vol. 140, pp.963-982, 2020

  • Late glacial and early Holocene hydroclimate variability, JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY, Vol.17, pp.1-17, 2017.

  • The Role of Blocking System in Heavy Precipitation of Iran, 2016, Arabian Journal of Geoscience, Germany, 591-614,9DOI 10.1007/s12517-016-2588-2,11Aug 2016, Springer

  • Vegetation and climate change during the late-glacial-Holocene in Iran, Environmental Research Journal, Tehran, Iran, 2013 (Persian language).

  • Pollen analysis of sediments for reconstruction of paleoclimatic phases in Lake Neor during late-glacial, The Journal of University of Tehran(Tehran, IRAN),2013 (Persian language).

  • Synoptic Analysis of Heavy Precipitations (A Case Study: Southeast of Iran Jan. 2008), International Climatology Journal, submitted 2012.

  • A synoptic analysis of January 2008 sever cold in Iran, The Journal of University of Tehran(Tehran, IRAN),2009(Persian language)

  • Regionalization of temperature regions of Iran, The Journal of Isfahan University(Isfahan, IRAN),2007(Persian language)

  • An analysis of relationship between monthly temperature of Iran and teleconnection patterns of Northern Hemisphere, The journal of Isfahan University(Isfahan, IRAN),2006 (Persian language)

Conference Papers:

  • Climate Change Modeling and Drought Detection of Lake Neor by Approaching to Past, Present, and Future, 1st  International and 3th National Congress, Iranian Quaternary Association, Geological Survey of Iran,13-14 February 2018, Tehran, Iran.

  • Reconstruction of Paleo-drought Conditions Associated with Monsoon System in Makran, Iran, India, 9th International Conference on Geomorphology,  India, 6-11Nov2017.

  • The Application of Physico-chemical Method Associated with Melissopalynology to Identify Quality of Honey in Iran, the first International and 9th National Iranian Honeybee Congress, 26-27 Jan. 2017, Alborz, Iran.

  • Palynological and Physiochemical Monitoring of Iranian Honey, European Pollen Database Meeting, and training workshops, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1-3 Jun 2016.

  • The effect of global warming in the Zagros Mountains in Iran, Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö), focusing on “Resilience of Tropical Ecosystems: Future challenges and opportunities.”, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 07-10 April 2015.

  • Detection of climate change in Lake Gahar region, Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö), focusing on “Resilience of Tropical Ecosystems: Future challenges and opportunities.”, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 07-10 April 2015.

  • The study of evidence in paleoclimate change in the Zagros Mountains in Iran, OshtoranKouh, 4th International Conference on Environmental challenges and Dendrochronology, Institute of Caspian Ecosystems, Sari Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran, 14-15 May 2014.

  • The application of palynology in climate change investigation in Iran, 4th International Conference on Environmental challenges and Dendrochronology, Institute of Caspian Ecosystems, Sari Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran, 14-15 May 2014.

  • Environmental changes during late-glacial- early Holocene in northwestern Iran A case of study from Lake Neor in Talesh Mountains, Rapidly Changing Large Lakes and Human Response Workshop, Iranian National Institute for Oceanography (INIO), Tehran, Iran, 5th –11th January 2013.

  • World Student Environmental Summit, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, May 18-22, 2011.

Assistant Prof. in the field of Climatology, Faculty of Earth Sciences